General Joe (Magnolia Ridge #2) - Alexa Riley Page 0,16

and look our way. “Hey, Larry!” I wave and he glares at me just like he always does. “I see you’re chipper as ever.”

Joe snakes his arm around me and pulls me to him. I know I’m going to be in trouble for talking about ass play, but he started it with the spanking comment. It’s not my fault my voice carries.

Larry opens his mouth like he wants to say something but closes it quickly since Joe is here. Your husband being the chief of police really has its perks. I have no doubt Joe is giving Larry a dirty look right now.

He pulls the door open and takes me over to a booth. I slip my coat off and hear Joe growl. “Bunny.”

“What?” I pretend to be innocent as I drop down into my seat. “I only just fit into this skirt again.” The baby weight is almost off and it’s the one from the night he took my virginity. The same night we made Sophie.

“I thought I ruined it.” He sits down in the booth across from me but keeps his glare. He did ruin it, but I ordered another one online.

The server walks up to our table, saving me from answering Joe. I don’t recognize the guy so he must be new.

“Hey, I’m Logan.” He introduces himself to me.

“I’m Kayla.” I start to offer my hand but Joe grabs it.

“I’m the husband,” Joe cuts in.

“Right.” Logan doesn't even look Joe’s way. “What can I get you?”

“Root beer in the bottle with two dozen wings.”

“Same,” Joe clips, not sounding as excited about the wings as me.

“Any sauce?”

“Nope.” I reach into my purse, pulling out a bottle of ranch, and Joe shakes his head. “What? Their ranch sucks.” I look to Logan. “Don't tell Pappy I said that.”

“I promise.” He winks at me before turning to leave.

“That mother—” I keep a tight hold on his hand so he can’t chase after the new guy who doesn't know better.

“Don’t ruin this for me,” I hiss. Joe leans back in his seat, pulling out his phone with his other hand. “What are you doing?” Joe is not one to play on his phone and I’m the only person he’ll text, period.

“I’m on a date with my wife. Not killing people.”

“The night is young,” I sing-song.

“That is true. I’ve got all kinds of plans for you and I.” My body heats, wondering what he’s got in store for us.

A few moments later a to-go bag lands on our table and I look over at Joe. “What the—”

“Thanks, Pappy,” Joe says, slipping out of the booth and dropping the money onto the table. “Better grab your ranch.”

“Why? What are you—” I’m out of the booth instantly and I know if he could throw me over his shoulder he would, but we both know I don’t have panties on. I grab my ranch and coat just as he pulls me out of the bar.

“He was only being friendly.” I try to reason with Joe but I know it’s a lost cause. I can’t even be mad because I enjoy Joe’s possessiveness. Tonight is going to be so good. Wings and wild, hard sex. What more could a girl ask for?



10 years later…

All week everyone has been reminding me my big fortieth birthday is coming up. Everyone except Kayla.

I’ve told her for the past month not to do a surprise party. I don’t want a big production. I just want to spend time with her and the kids like any other day. Maybe a night alone would be nice, but no party.

The fact that she hasn’t even once mentioned my birthday to me is telling me she’s planning one. She thinks she’s sneaky, but the sneakier she tries to be, the more obvious she is. I caught her whispering to Barbie about a cake last night at Sophie’s soccer practice.

I could get mad and make a big deal about her doing what I specifically asked her not to, but honestly, I don’t think I could stand to see the look of disappointment on her face. So I’m going to suck it up and put on a smile for her because I know she’s probably gone to a lot of trouble to plan this out. Even if I didn’t want it.

“Are you ready?” Shaw asks when he comes in the house.

“Yeah,” I sigh, pushing off the couch and following him out the front door. “So are you going to tell me about the surprise, or do Copyright 2016 - 2024