Garden of Dreams and Desires - Kristen Painter Page 0,98

we’re family.

“She says what about your family connection?”

“She’s not my sister any more than she’s yours. She’s an abomination created by the lightning tree.”

Giselle pursed her mouth. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Harlow barked out a rough laugh. She dropped her hands to pull a small blade from behind her back. “One, you just told me in the kitchen that you wanted me to go to the tree with you. Now you’re telling me you don’t remember that? Two, I watched you come out of that pond and pull leaves from the tree out of your robe. And three, I know they were lightning tree leaves because I also know you were in my house. My mother saw you.”

How was that possible? Giselle scoffed. “Your mother? Your mother’s dead.”

A woman materialized at Harlow’s side. “Not quite, witch.”

Giselle jumped, immediately angry at herself for reacting, but damn, this place was getting weirder by the minute. “Who in the name of the goddess are you?”

“Not a movie fan, hmm? Philistine.” The woman crossed her arms and looked at Harlow, nodding. “That’s the one I saw skulking through the foyer.” She pointed at Giselle. “I’d recognize that dyed black hair anywhere.”

“My hair is not dyed.” It was henna and indigo, but those were natural and totally didn’t count. “Are you… Harlow’s mother?”

The woman spread her arms. “Olivia Goodwin, Oscar winner, philanthropist and mother of the world’s greatest hacker, at your service.”

“Mom.” Harlow shook her head, a tiny smile turning up the corners of her mouth.

“Well, you are, cher,” Olivia started.

Giselle rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you spare me the motherly pride and instead tell me how you’re not dead? I didn’t see you in the foyer. And besides, there was only one other heartbeat in the house and it was Augustine. I checked.”

“I am dead, but I’m here because I’m fae.” Olivia walked toward her. “And of course, I don’t have a heartbeat, you silly twit. That’s what being dead means.” Before Giselle could move, Olivia sailed right through her. A chill zipped from the top of her head down to her toes.

Mama! Ava Mae cried.

Olivia gasped as she exited behind Giselle, putting her hands to her chest. “Oh my dear sainted Elizabeth Taylor. Ava Mae’s inside her.”

Harlow nodded. “It’s a long story, but basically this witch broke into the house and stole leaves off the lightning tree, which caused Ava Mae’s spirit to possess her after she left me.”

Olivia scurried back to Harlow’s side. “There’s only a little bit of Ava Mae left in there. The tree has warped her, turned her into a monster of its own doing.” She shook her head and pointed at Giselle. “You’re in trouble, witch. You have no idea what you’ve done.”

Giselle stalked toward the old woman and Harlow. “I’m not the one in trouble.” She pointed at the pair. “You are if you don’t get me out of this goddess-forsaken place. Get me home now or I will call up the power of the tree and destroy both of you.”

A thin man in glasses stepped out of the air, the housekeeper at his side. “I don’t think so, Giselle.”

Olivia clapped her hands. “I haven’t had this many visitors in ages.”

“Mom,” Harlow said. “This is not exactly a social event.”

“I don’t know about that.” The man in glasses stared at Giselle. “For one of us, it might qualify as a going-away party.”

The arrival of Fenton and Lally took some of the pressure off Harlow. She shot him an appreciative look. “I hope that means what I think it means. Thanks for showing up, by the way.”

“You’re welcome.” He answered her without taking his eyes off Giselle. “I came through by mirror to check on you when you didn’t return in a timely manner and Lally informed me of what had happened and where you’d gone.”

“I knew you’d get it.” Harlow smiled at Lally. She was carrying a cloth shopping bag.

Lally smiled back. “My mama didn’t raise no fool.”

“No she did not.” Harlow motioned with her free hand for Fenton to continue. “So you grabbed her and came here.”

“Something like that. I made a few arrangements first, which is why we weren’t along immediately.”

Harlow jabbed her blade in Giselle’s direction. “Let’s deal with her then.”

Fenton held up a finger. “First things first. Which would be Ava Mae.”

Harlow nodded. “Apparently she’s still inside Giselle but pretty weak.”

“She should be,” Lally said. “She’s about as far away from the tree right now as a person can get.” Copyright 2016 - 2024