Garden of Dreams and Desires - Kristen Painter Page 0,61

put her other one back on the Bible. “Hide her, O God, from the secret council of the wicked. Keep her from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity. Your will be done. Amen.”

Harlow whispered, “Amen.”

Lally said it as well, then Jewelia nodded her approval. “Put all those things into the pouch.”

Harlow emptied the bits and pieces into the little red bag, then looked at Jewelia expectantly.

Jewelia dipped her fingers in the bowl of water, then marked a cross on the bag as it rested in Harlow’s palms. “Close the bag between your hands, bring it to your mouth and breathe on it.”

Harlow followed her instructions.

“Very good.” She took the bag from Harlow. “Now I’ll string it on a cord and you must wear it around your neck, under your clothes. Don’t let the witches see it.” She hesitated. “Either way, they may figure out you’re being protected if they attack you, but I don’t care. It’s high time those spell casters learned they’re not the only ones with power in this town.”

After walking for only a few minutes, Giselle knew that Ian had been right. Getting out of the house had been the perfect solution to her frenzied brain. Already she was starting to feel more at peace and more prepared for the work that lay ahead. In her heart, she knew they were ready. There was no reason to fret about it so much.

Lost in her thoughts, she paused to figure out where she was, only to realize she was standing beside the gate that led into the backyard of Augustine’s house. She stared up at the house. It was easily one of the most impressive in the neighborhood, not just for its sheer size but for its history. The house was basically a fae landmark.

And now that she knew it contained the lightning tree… She smiled. This might be her chance to see if the tree really existed—the house began to waver before her eyes, making it impossible to focus on. Every time she looked at it, her gaze slipped across the street or to the neighboring house. Testing an idea, she forced all thought of the lightning tree from her mind and focused only on how beautiful the house was.

The image cleared enough to prove her theory. The house was warded. Of course, it was fae magic. How could she break through that ward? Keeping her thoughts pure was nearly impossible. Maybe it wasn’t worth the effort of trying to get in. She whispered a seeking spell, sending it through the house to find out if anyone was in it. The spell found one life. Had to be the housekeeper. No doubt Augustine was out scouring the city for his precious Harlow. Or being interrogated by the senator’s people.

Either way, he wasn’t having any fun. And if the housekeeper was the only one home, there seemed no better time to do a little investigating. But how to get in? She leaned against the gate and pulled out her LMD so that anyone watching her would think she was just taking a call or checking email.

Think, think, think. If keeping her thoughts pure could get her in, maybe she could cast a temporary spell on herself? Something that would convince the ward she had nothing but good intentions. It was worth a shot.

She sketched a quick sacred circle in the air, knowing it would be thin without the proper preparations but hoping it would be enough to achieve the desired effect. “Bind my thoughts of their true goal until I slip inside these walls.” She chanted the phrase three times.

As the last word left her lips, she blinked and looked at Augustine’s house. What had she come here for? Had he called her here? Something to do with coven business? More regulations, no doubt. Damn those fae, always interfering.

With an odd determination to get inside, Giselle lifted the latch and slipped through the gate, careful to close it behind her. Maybe the housekeeper would know what Augustine wanted.

She climbed the steps to the back porch and raised her hand to knock. When no one answered, she tried the knob instead. To her delight, it turned effortlessly. She quietly called out, “Hello,” and waited. The scent of coffee lingered in the empty kitchen.

No response came. She stepped into the house and closed the door behind her. A flush of memory hit her, the spell she’d placed upon herself. Now she knew why she was here. Smiling at her Copyright 2016 - 2024