The Gallows Curse - By Karen Maitland Page 0,91

be freeborn, but I am not a whore. I will not sleep with any man except Athan. He is my husband in all but name. He knows I didn't murder his son and he will wait for me until I can prove it to the world. I won't betray him. I won't!'

Raffe caught hold of her wrist and dragged her towards him; grabbing her face in his other hand, he tilted it up towards him, lowering his mouth close to hers. She screwed up her eyes and tried to wriggle away as if she thought he was trying to kiss her.

Raffe tightened his grip and spoke with exaggerated slowness, to force her to listen. 'You will do exactly what Ma Margot asks of you, all that she asks of you. And you will do it with a smile on your pretty little face, because if she can't get her money one way, she'll get it another. You refuse and she'll hand you straight to Osborn and claim that bounty. Osborn will hang you and this time there will be no escape. And I know Osborn of old — before he hangs you, he will make you suffer in ways you cannot begin to imagine. The fact that you are Athan's betrothed won't stop him using you in any way he pleases, in fact that knowledge will only add to his pleasure.'

'But Athan,' she moaned faintly.

'Athan is already in the arms of another! Trust me — Athan is not waiting for you!'

He felt her go limp in his hands and lowered her down on to the bench. She sat there, her body trembling, but she did not cry as he expected and he grudgingly admired her for that.

'My cousin Isabel? Athan's with Isabel, isn't he?' she said, staring up at him.

Raffe didn't answer. She seemed to take that as confirmation. Was silence a lie? Perhaps it was the worst kind of lie, Raffe thought, and by God he was guilty of enough silences in his lifetime.

Elena stared at a fly that was dashing itself aimlessly against the wall. 'Isabel won't last long with Joan around; she's always called her a slut. She'll soon send her packing'

'You're not listening to me,' Raffe yelled at her. 'He will not be there waiting for you. Stop playing the little fool and make up your mind to do as you are told, because make no mistake, you have to do this, and it'll go a lot easier with you if you do it willingly.'

Elena was shaking so violently, Raffe thought her body would break into pieces. He knelt down in front of her, gently taking her cold hands in his.

'Look, all Ma wants is for you to be pleasant to a rich merchant or ship's captain once in a while. Is that really so hard? Can it be worse than being raped or tortured by that bastard Osborn? At least you'll be alive. And believe me, nothing on this earth is worth as much as life itself, not your virtue, not your pride, not even your love for Athan. If you die unshriven, strangling to death on the end of a rope, there will be nothing except endless misery and torment spread out before you for all eternity. Whatever happens, you must cling fast to life with both hands, no matter what it costs you. You must stay alive for me, Elena. I need you to live.'

The Night of the Full Moon,

August 1211

Roses — If mortals dream of a red rose, they shall be granted the love their hearts yearn for, but if they should dream of a white rose, it is a bad omen, for they will know only sorrow in love. If a maid would bring back a faithless lover, let her pluck three roses on Midsummer's Eve. The first she must bury beneath a yew tree, the second in a new grave and the third place under her head when she sleeps. After the third night she shall burn the rose to ashes. Thus her lover will be tormented by thoughts of her and will know no rest until he has returned to her.

If a maid desires to find her true love she must pluck a rosebud on Midsummer's Day and lay it in some secret place till Christmas Day, then if it still be bright and fragrant, she must wear it and her true lover will pluck it from her, but if it has shrivelled and turned brown, she must beware Copyright 2016 - 2024