The Gallows Curse - By Karen Maitland Page 0,56

away. She clung to him, and he to her. Even if she'd still had the strength left to speak, no words came into her head except I love you, Athan.

It may have been a log spitting on the fire or just a mother's instinct that her son was up to no good which eventually woke Joan, but something made her start up and almost at once they heard her shrill voice calling them from the door.

Athan, a pained expression on his face, tried to ignore her, but it was useless. His mother's voice was like a dousing of

icy water. They quickly pulled apart, straightening their clothes without looking at each other, and returned inside. Joan stared at them as they came in, a look of growing bewilderment on her face.

'Where's the bairn?' she demanded. "You've not left him out there, have you? You've no business taking him out there at all. Night air's dangerous for a bairn.'

Athan shook his head. 'He's in his cradle asleep.'

'He's not,' Joan said adamantly. 'See for yourself, cradle's empty. That's why I thought you had him with you.'

Athan rushed over to the cradle, and threw back the covers. Then he lifted it, shaking it upside down as if the child was a lost coin that might have somehow rolled to the bottom. He stared wildly round the tiny, single-roomed cottage.

'Someone's taken him. A peddler!'

'Not while I've been home, they haven't,' Joan said. You think any peddler could get past me?'

'But you saw him in his cradle when you got home?'

'No ...' Joan said thoughtfully, her eyes narrowing. 'I didn't see him. Elena told me he was asleep in the cradle, but I didn't see him.'

They both turned to stare at Elena who hadn't moved from the doorway. Athan rushed over to her, grasping her shoulders.

'After you put him down to sleep, did you see anyone near the cottage? Did you leave him to go to the privy?'

But Elena just stood there, her arms wrapped round herself. Athan shook her slightly to bring her to her senses and she flopped back and forth in his hands like a rag doll.

Think, my angel, think! When did you last check the cradle?'

But still Elena couldn't speak or look at him. Only now that he had found the cradle empty did it finally seem true that her baby was gone. Up to then she'd almost been able to convince herself that her son was still safely lying in the corner Asleep. But now that Athan had turned the cradle towards her and thrown the heap of coverings on to the floor, there was no pretending any more. Even her love could not conjure the shadow of her baby in that starkly empty wooden box.

Athan wrapped his arms round Elena and hugged her tightly. 'It's all right, my angel, we'll find him, don't you fret. Whoever took him can't be long on the road. We'll catch up with them and I promise you'll have our son back in your arms afore cockcrow.' He turned to his mother. "You take care of Elena. I'll go and raise the hue and cry. I'll get the whole village out looking for him.'

He was almost out of the door before Elena managed to force the words out.

'The baby hasn't been taken. I tried to tell you. I tried ... but you wouldn't listen. I had to do it. The dream ... it kept warning me. So I had to, you understand that, don't you, Athan? I had to do it. Please say you understand.'

But Athan was staring at her in bewilderment. 'Understand what?'

'She's murdered him, that's what.' Joan's eyes were glittering with hatred.

Athan's jaw dropped open. 'Mam, how could you even think such a foolish, wicked thing? Elena worships our son, She'd not harm a hair on his head. You can see how upset she is.' He flung an arm across Elena's shoulders, drawing her to him protectively. 'I know Elena's never been good enough for you, Mam, but you've gone too far this time. You've no call to go accusing her of anything. I know you're my mam, but she's my wife and I won't have you saying such things about her.'

Joan lifted her chin defiantly. 'Go on then, son, ask her. Ask her what she's done with my grandson.'

8th Day after the New Moon,

June 1211

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