The Gallows Curse - By Karen Maitland Page 0,172

Norwich. What if they couldn't find a way out of the town? She knew some towns had gates. They hadn't passed through a gate when they'd entered, but that was because they'd come by boat. Could you simply march out of the city? She realized she had no clear idea of where they were in Norwich, only a hazy recollection of walking through a maze of streets to get here. Finch said the tunnel in the cellar came out near a river. If they followed the river, it must lead —


She was startled by the voice. 'Where what?'

You said I could touch you,' the young lad said. 'Where ' should I...'

Elena stared at him blankly. Finally in desperation she muttered, Why don't you kiss me instead?'

He threw himself at her, pressing his lips tightly against hers. He began to move his mouth in a vague chewing action. His hot, sweaty hands grabbed at her neck as he tried clumsily to pull her tighter.

Staring over his shoulder, Elena suddenly froze. A man was sauntering across the garden towards Ma Margot. She was certain she knew the walk, but as he passed by one of the trees, the full light of the lantern shone on his face. It was Hugh.

The lad had given up his attempt at kissing and had tentatively slid a hand on to her kirtle over her breast, but Elena was too scared even to register this. She watched in horror as Hugh reached Ma's throne where, as if she really was a queen, he made a bow and pressed her hand to his lips. If this was mockery, Ma evidently didn't treat it as such, for she rewarded him with a smile and sent a girl scurrying for a goblet of wine and a plate of pastries.

It was evident that whatever she had intended when she said Hugh would pay dearly for what he had done to Finch, she wasn't going to let it interfere with business. From the way she leaned towards him as she fed him one of the prick- shaped pastries, slipping it into his mouth with her own taloned fingers, you might have thought he had never laid a hand on Finch. No doubt, Elena thought bitterly, what Ma meant was that she would simply double or treble the price, because Hugh had damaged her goods, but she'd still let him use her boys as he pleased.

Finch! Any moment Hugh might ask for him. Elena pushed the lad's hand away.

'Stay there,' she said, trying to sound as casual as possible. 'I'll fetch you some good strong wine to relax you, then I'll. . . we'll do things that will make your brother so jealous, he'll never laugh at you again.'

The boy beamed at her, and tried to lounge back nonchalantly on the pallet, but without success. Elena hurried to the bush she had pointed out to Finch earlier that day. She gazed desperately around for him, nodding in case he could see her. But there was still no sign of him. She could only pray he'd seen her and had already gone to the boys' chamber.

She waited as long as she dared, then when Ma was bending forward to say something to Hugh, she slipped back behind the bush and through the gate which divided the courtyard from the garden, edging along the wall towards the boys' chamber. There was no one in the courtyard. The sounds of the music mingling with laughter and chatter which rose up from the garden only seemed to heighten the stillness of the courtyard. The lanterns dangling from the topmost branches of the trees in the garden threw soft pools of light on to the flinty cobbles. Elena edged around the light as a man might avoid quicksand.

She had almost reached the door when she saw someone else enter the courtyard by the gate. Footsteps hurried across. Elena froze, suddenly realizing that she could not offer any explanation as to why she was standing in front of the boys' chamber. She started back towards the gate at a run and collided with Luce coming towards her.

'Hey, steady there.' Luce grabbed Elena's arm to stop herself slipping on the cobbles. 'You seen Finch? Ma wants him, but I reckon the lad's hiding somewhere, doesn't want to be found.'

Elena shook her head, unable to trust herself to speak.

Luce groaned. 'There'll be hell to pay if I can't find him. Ma won't want any of her guests disappointed tonight, specially him. Copyright 2016 - 2024