The Gallows Curse - By Karen Maitland Page 0,170

go to the cellars to feed the animals. We'll have to wait until this evening, until everyone is busy, then we won't be missed. And we'll have all night to walk in the dark with less chance of anyone seeing us.'

'But what if the werecat comes afore we get away?'

'Ma won't let anyone in here until it's dark, not tonight.' Seeing the child's face crumple, she said quickly, You get whatever clothes and food you can, tie them in a bundle and hide them near the cellar door. But be careful no one sees you. Then tonight, once the feast has started, I'll meet you.. .' she stared around the garden trying to find a suitable place, 'over there.' She pointed to a large bush closest to the courtyard wall. 'Keep moving around, but keep watching that bush. I'll go there when I think it's safe. I'll nod to you. When you see my signal you creep along to the boys' chamber and make sure it's empty. If it is, go and hide in there till I come. Can you do that?'

Finch nodded eagerly and in a fit of joy suddenly hugged her, so fiercely that Elena thought he would never let her go.

The moon rose bright and fat, clad only in a few wisps of cloud. The evening star pierced the indigo sky, but few gazed upwards to see it as one by one the lanterns were lit in the brothel garden, misting the trees with soft yellow pools of light. The naked wooden angel now pissed wine that sprayed out in a graceful arc from between her spread legs whenever someone pressed her lusciously rounded breast. The older women bustled out from the kitchens, piling the tables with platters of food, but there were none of your dainty dishes and pewter goblets at this feast.

Flagons of mead, wine, ale and cider graced the little tables, surrounded by all manner of curious little vessels a man might wish to drink from: a polished goat's horn, a leather cup fashioned as a woman's shoe, or a breast-shaped pot from which he could suck his chosen libation through a hole in the rosy nipple.

There were other plump round breasts formed from curd tarts with cherry nipples, which nuzzled alongside goose-filled pastries shaped like men's cocks which squirted thick rich gravy into the mouths of the biters. Custards were moulded into buttocks, with rosehip jelly syrups dribbling between their fat cheeks. Breads were baked into curvaceous torsos. Brawn became shapely legs and arms, whilst rosewater pudding was moulded into sweet red lips. Pike in galentyne was formed into a female belly, with strands of green samphire dripping with melted butter artistically arranged as her pubic hair. In short, every part of the human anatomy that a man could desire was fashioned in sweet or savoury, salt or sour to whet his appetite.

As soon as a good crowd of men were gathered, the crowning glory of the feast was borne in to a loud rattle of drums from the musicians who at once struck up a lively tune. Not for these gentlemen a cooked duck artfully disguised as a living peacock. No, a man could see exactly what meats he was being offered here. A giant penis had been created by stuffing larks inside a boned chicken, the chicken in a goose, the goose in a heron. At one end, on either side of the long thick sausage of meat, two sheep's stomachs had been packed with mutton, beef and pork until they were as round and taut as the rising moon. And, in honour of the Archangel Michael whose feast it was, two goose wings were attached on either side as if the whole creation was in flight.

The four women who bore in the flying genitals on a great wooden board swooped and swerved in a mocking dance, wafting the tip past the girls with cries of 'You think you can stretch to this one, Annie?' 'Now this'll give you something to get your teeth into, girl.' The men roared their appreciation.

All over the garden, men and youths were lounging in twos or threes. Girls were sprawled across their laps, feeding them meats and pastries from their own fair fingers, dripping with juice or sauces, which the men sucked at like infants at their mother's knee. A few men and women were dancing to the bawdy songs of the musicians, while others joined in the choruses, bellowing like bulls near cows in Copyright 2016 - 2024