The Gallows Curse - By Karen Maitland Page 0,169

about it, 'cause it's hidden. But. . . but I can't open it myself. I know how to, I've seen Talbot do it, but I can't do it by myself. You could help me though. We could do it together, then we could both run away. You want to leave here too, don't you?'

Elena crouched down and looked into the child's face. 'We can't, Finch, it's too dangerous. You don't understand, there are people looking for me. I can't leave here. Besides, where would we go? How would we live?'

'I'm strong, I can work. Look!' Finch clenched his small fist, lifting his thin little arm to try to make the muscles bulge. 'I can earn money for us both and we could sleep in a barn. You remember, Holly. We shall be safe, diddle diddle, deep in the hay.'

He smiled up at her with the unshakeable confidence of a child, his eyes bright with excitement for the very first time she had known him.

She felt her own heart leap upwards. Why not? Why couldn't they just go? She didn't have to wait for Master Raffaele, why should she? He'd made it very plain that he had more important matters to attend to than her. Who knew when he'd come back, if he ever did? He probably had no intention of taking her away from this place. He had not protected her from Raoul. He'd allowed Ma to put her to work as a whore. Maybe, maybe Ma had even paid Raffaele for her. He certainly wasn't going to protect her from Hugh. Stay out of his way—those were the only words of comfort he'd offered. Only she could save herself now.

No one would recognize her with her dyed hair, besides which they'd probably long forgotten about the runaway serf. No one would be looking for a woman travelling with a boy. There were other towns, other cities. They could go anywhere.

Elena seized the boy's hands. 'Finch, are you sure about this? Are you sure the gate really leads to the outside, not just to another cellar?'

Finch's eyes were sparkling. 'I saw it. I looked out through the bars and saw a great river right outside. I could ... I could nearly touch it.'

His eager little grin only made him look smaller and more vulnerable. Could she really look after them both? She had worked ever since she could toddle, but she'd never in her life had to seek work. As a villein, she had merely done what others told her to do. She wasn't even sure how to go about finding a master or mistress. What if they started asking questions, demanding the parchment to prove that she was a free woman?

Did the boy understand what he might be facing out there? Winter would soon be here and if they couldn't find shelter they'd starve or freeze to death in some stinking alley like the other beggars. But at least if they ran, Finch would have a chance. She knew only too well what it was like to spend your days waiting in fear and dread. If Finch had been her son, she wouldn't hesitate.

Elena looked down at the boy. 'If we do run away, we won't be able to stay in Norwich. They'll come looking for us. Do you understand that? We'll have to walk, maybe a very long way, for days, weeks even.'

She realized that she had no idea what might lie beyond Norwich, nor even in which direction she should go. Not back to Gastmere, that was certain, even her dyed hair would not disguise her there. Gastmere lay down-river of Norwich, so they must walk upstream. But what lay upstream, another town, a marsh, a lake? She didn't know

Elena bit her lip. We might not be able to find food for days. And we'll be hungry and cold, but we'll have to keep moving no matter how tired we are or how many blisters we have on our feet. Are you sure you can do that?'

The light in Finch's eyes had not dimmed for an instant. 'I can, I can! I promise. Afore my uncle gave me to Talbot, I was hungry all the time and cold too, for I slept with the dogs. But I never cried. I promise I won't ever cry, even if I'm starving. Please, Holly, please let's go now, afore the werecat comes,' he begged, tugging on her hand.

'No, we can't go yet. Talbot or Ma might look for us, or Copyright 2016 - 2024