Galen's Gemma - Dale Mayer Page 0,56

we’ll have to watch it,” he said, “because we’re the sitting ducks.”

“Yes, we can expect them to be armed and dangerous.” Galen pulled up behind them, keeping a good distance, and Zack immediately got out and ducked below his open door. No sign of life was in the vehicle stopped in front of them. Zack got back into the passenger’s side. “Keep close.”

Galen drove slowly closer, keeping himself hunched down behind the dash, so he could just barely see, and he ran his vehicle right into theirs.

“What the hell will that do?” he heard Zack say.

Galen kept driving forward, kept pushing the other truck into the ditch and off to the side, slamming into a tree at the bottom. As soon as that happened, Galen hopped out, his vehicle now at the top of the ditch, the engine still running, and the emergency brake on. Both of the guys jumped down to the vehicle below. Galen held his gun against the open window to see one man swearing and cussing at him, blood gushing from a head wound. On the other side was Rebecca, screaming obscenities at both of them, but she also looked banged up.

Galen found it hard to be sympathetic. “The vehicle isn’t badly damaged,” he said. “I’m surprised she didn’t run, leaving you holding the bag.”

“I have a gun,” the older man said, pulling up his other hand, pointing the gun at Galen.

“Yeah? So do I,” Galen said with a laugh. “So what do I care. What will you do about it?”

“This,” he snapped. And pointed it at Galen, his finger pulling back to fire.

Galen was faster and slammed the gun into the man’s wrist, knocking the gun from his hand. He screamed at the same time Galen opened the door and pulled him out, shoving him to the ground, holding the gun to his head. On the other side, Rebecca smashed Zack on the side of his head over and over as she fought with him. Zack managed to bring the screaming, outraged woman over to the side of the vehicle. Galen stood up and told Zack to duck. As Zack leaned his head back as far as he could, Galen reached out and smacked Rebecca hard on the side of the head. She went limp and sagged to the ground. He turned to look at Zack and said, “If you can’t handle her, I will.”

“I got this,” Zack said, swearing. “I’m just not used to hitting women.”

“You shouldn’t ever be used to hitting women,” Galen said. “But, when the time comes, you have to be ready to do whatever needs to be done with the likes of Rebecca.” With her now secured and on the ground, Galen took a look at the stranger’s wrist. It was injured but not too badly. Although it was bleeding a decent amount. He ripped off a piece of the stranger’s T-shirt and bound his wound up tight. “Hold on to that to stop the bleeding.”

The driver clamped his hand down tight.

Galen sat back and studied the stranger. The cloud cover had added a dark heaviness to the night. He couldn’t see the driver’s face clearly at all. “Are you the one who just shot two men?”

The older male just glared at him.

Galen held up his cell phone and, using a flashlight app, checked the driver’s face and whistled. “Look at that. We’ve got James here and now in Germany.” At the look of surprise on the driver’s face, Galen nodded. “Did you really think we don’t have a full idea of what the hell is going on here?”

“Nobody could,” he said. “It’s bloody useless doing anything with her.”

“So do you know her well?” he asked. “You shouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place.”

The older man nodded slowly. “That’s the truth, isn’t it?”

“Screwing your brother’s wife is never cool,” he said. “Especially when you end up killing him to get the unfaithful wife for yourself.

The older man just glared at him.

“Are you saying that’s not what happened?”

“We were both dating her at the same time,” he said. “I’m a lot older than Joe. I guess she figured he was a better bet.”

“Maybe not,” Galen said. “I think she just likes to play the left against the right. Have you kept seeing her all these years?”

The old man groaned and then nodded slowly.

“Well, you’ll have a lot of years in jail to sit there and think about the choices you made in your life.”

“Maybe not,” he said. “We’re not out Copyright 2016 - 2024