Galen's Gemma - Dale Mayer Page 0,24

like a bowl of soup and maybe some fresh buns to go with it?”

“You know what? She might,” Gemma said with a smile. “She tends to prefer to lie in the quiet. Then, when she feels better, she’ll want to eat.”

“Exactly,” he said. “When you go home from dinner, we can send you with a bowl.”

“Thank you,” she said. “I just came to check in. What time is dinner?”

“How is five-thirty?”

“That would be lovely.” Turning, she held out her hand for Becky, and the two of them walked back outside again. She stopped on the huge veranda, wondering at how oddly not-at-home she felt here this time. In her teens, she had come year after year, cheering the people on, the lifestyle, the break away from her family.

“Did you really like spending time here?” Becky asked her aunt.

“I did,” she said, “but, like everything in life, things change.”

“Good,” she said. “I’m glad you did. I like being here too. Is it the same people?”

“Not all of them, no,” she said. “Only a few of them are still the same.”

Maybe that was the reason. Everybody else seemed more like brothers and sisters to her back then, but a long enough time had passed, and she was now an outsider. It was still the right place to come because nobody would find her here, but, at the same time, it wasn’t the same as what it had been. And maybe that was normal too. Maybe life kept moving on, and she was supposed to move on with it.

Although that would have to wait until this mess was over. She knew Galen wasn’t a fan of her sister, and most of the time Gemma wasn’t either. But she loved her. They could never be best friends because they were too different, but family was family. And they both loved Becky.

Gemma had no doubt about that. And, for that, she could forgive her sister for a lot. But then according to Becky there was a lot going on here that Gemma didn’t know. She needed to tell Galen about what Becky had said about the ledger too. Not knowing when there’d be a right time, she quickly sent him a text.

While she waited for a response, she realized how being here again had brought up a plethora of emotions she’d hoped she’d dealt with a long time ago. Tim had taken on a role of father, family friend, confident, and therapist. Helping her deal with the lack of love in her life and the excess of narcissism.

She’d blossomed here. Had learned self-control here. More important, she’d learned self-confidence. And, for that, she owed Tim everything.

She couldn’t imagine her life if she hadn’t had this place to escape to summer after summer. She’d have been left alone and likely would have become very introverted. Tim had saved her. Helped raised her. And, indeed, had become the person she’d emulated on her way to adulthood. She’d never forgive herself if she brought hardship down on his shoulders now.

Her phone buzzed. One word answer from Galen. Bitch.

She smiled at that.

“I’m hungry,” Becky announced suddenly. She sniffed the air around them. “What’s that smell?”

“Fresh air,” Gemma said drily. “I know it’s not something you’re used to.” She bent down and picked up a purple wildflower for the little girl. “See these? I used to pick bouquets of these for the dinner table every day.”

“Can we tonight?” Becky asked excitedly, dancing around and clapping her hands.

“Sure. Why not?” And she laughed as Becky raced around, collecting a mix of colorful varieties to take indoors. As soon as she had picked what she could find close by, she turned to Gemma. “Is this enough?”

“Yes, I think so. Let’s go find Tim and give it to him.”

And that’s what they did, running through the long grass. Showing Becky what Gemma’s summers had been like took Gemma back to her childhood. By the time they made it to the long house, they were both out of breath and sporting rosy cheeks.

Tim stood on the long covered veranda, grinning at them. “Aren’t you two a pretty picture,” he said in that calm voice of his.

Gemma likened it the guiding light in her world, and she’d love for Becky to spend time with him.

“This is for the dinner table,” Becky said, proudly holding out her bouquet.

“Mighty fine flowers those are,” he said with a nod. “And brings back a lot of lovely memories. Come on inside. I’m sure Gemma remembers where the vases are Copyright 2016 - 2024