Furious (Anger Management #2) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,71

at the old firehouse as he thought about that morning. He’d just come off a twenty-hour shift when the call came in. If he’d just kept walking to his car instead of jumping back on the truck…

“You are going to be great,” Sloane said as she walked back to him so that she could lean over and brush her lips against his. “Promise.”

With a wink and a teasing smile, she headed inside, leaving him to follow her. As he rolled inside the station, he absently took in everything, a new couch, the same old battered flat screen on the wall, and a bunch of other shit that he barely noticed as his gaze kept going back to Sloane’s incredible ass.

God, that woman wrecked him, Chase thought on a heartfelt sigh as he followed her down the small hallway that connected the old firehouse with the administrative building that the city added a few years ago instead of the training center that they desperately needed. The city had given them a small room in the back, thinking that it was a good compromise.

It wasn’t, but they’d made it work. Before his accident, Chase had handled their continuing education courses and training and while it hadn’t been his favorite part of the job, he’d actually enjoyed doing it. Since he’d let Sloane talk him into doing this class, he’d realized just how much he’d missed it. Over the past month, he’d gone through his old courses, taken several new ones online, signed up for a few in Boston, New York City, and Los Angeles taking place in the next year and…

Realized just how much he’d missed having a reason to wake up in the morning.

After the accident, he’d spent most of his time wondering how he was going to make it through another day without losing his fucking mind. He’d spent most of his time too fucking angry at the world to think straight and once he met Sloane…

She’d saved him.

There was no other way to put it. She gave him hope, gave him a reason to try, and now, he was well on his way to getting his life back. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to pull this off, but he wanted it all back. He wanted back on the truck, wanted to feel the rush of going on a call, and he wanted…


“This isn’t so bad,” Sloane said as she walked into the training room and took in the training equipment lining the walls, the tables, and the desk in front.

“It’s too small,” Chase said, sighing heavily as he placed his bag on the desk.

“True,” Sloane murmured only to add, “but you’ll make it work,” as she stepped out of the way as the guys made their way inside.

“Do you want anything before I leave?” she asked as Chase focused on pulling his laptop out of his bag and setting up, needing a moment to prepare himself for what was about to come.

“Coffee would be great, Pookie,” he said, searching for the wire to connect his computer to the monitor hanging on the wall only to realize that it was on the other side of the desk that he wouldn’t be able to reach because of his wheelchair.

Without a word, Sloane walked around the desk, grabbed the wire and handed it to him with a quick kiss and a mumbled, “I’ll be right back.”

“Wait! What about my kiss?” Adam asked as Chase attached the wire and quickly pulled up the presentation that he’d created.

“Stop ogling my girl’s ass and help me with this desk,” Chase said, rolling out of the way.

With a heartfelt sigh, Adam said, “I love her,” as he gestured for Scott to help him.

“She asked about you the other day,” Chase drawled as he watched them move the desk out of the way.

“Really?” Adam asked, sounding really fucking hopeful and making Chase chuckle as he rolled closer to the desk.

“No,” Chase said, chuckling while he double-checked to make sure that everything was set up as the room continued to fill up.

He glanced up in time to see Thomas walk into the room only to sigh heavily with a muttered, “Fucking hell,” as his phone went off. With a sigh, he answered his phone as he turned around and headed back out the door.

“Told you so,” Adam said, chuckling as he headed back to his table, dragging Chase’s attention to find the room filled with men and women that he’d worked with and

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