Furious (Anger Management #2) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,65

it was time for her to go. He hoped she got a job close by, but if not, he wasn’t too worried about it. He’d see her when she came home to visit her family and he would visit her when he could.

“What was that for, Pookie?” Chase asked as she brushed her lips against his one last time.

“No reason,” Sloane said with a smile as she climbed off his lap and shot him a wink before she headed back to the kitchen, her incredible ass swaying gently as she went, making him groan as he absently reached over and opened the door when someone knocked on it and

“It’s about time, asshole,” came the warm welcome as Tyler and the rest of the degenerates that saved his life walked into the house.


“Oh, my god…” came the softly whispered words that had Sloane looking over her shoulder to find five very large men standing in the kitchen, looking like they were about to cry as they took in all the food she’d made for them.

The larger of the men sniffled as he walked over and pulled her into his arms. “Bless you,” he said with another sniffle, making her lips twitch as he gave her a hug.

“You’re welcome?” Sloane said as he let her go so that he could help himself to the food.

“I don’t know who you are and frankly, I don’t care,” the one with short caramel hair and incredible green eyes said as he dropped to one knee in front of her. “Will you marry me?”

Before she could answer, Chase was pulling her onto his lap and kissing her cheek. “Ignore Ben, he fell on his head in the academy.”

Ben’s eyes narrowed on him. “Because you dropped me, you asshole!” making Chase chuckle.

“He screamed like a girl,” one of the guys said with a pitying look and a chuckle as he helped himself to the food.

“I was embarrassed for him,” one of the guys said, chuckling as he reached over and pinched Ben’s cheek, earning a murderous glare.

“I hate you all,” Ben grumbled, getting to his feet and moving toward the food only to gesture to her, “Except you, of course.”

“Of course,” Sloane murmured in agreement, earning a wink.

“Are you going to be joining us, the incredibly wonderful woman that Chase still hasn’t introduced us to yet?” one of the men asked, making her lips twitch.

“Her name is Sloane,” Chase said as she climbed off his lap so that she could check on the barbeque chicken in the oven.

“I’m afraid that I already have plans,” Sloane said just as her brother, Tristan, walked into the kitchen and

“I’m in,” her brother said with a firm nod as he took in the decks of playing cards and poker chips set up on the kitchen table, the guys hanging out, and all the food while Sloane stood there, narrowing her eyes on her favorite brother because she should have known this would happen.

“Umm, what about our plans?” she asked her brother, not really surprised when he said, “Chase needs me,” with a sad shake of his head.

“What about me? I need you,” Sloane said because she’d actually been looking forward to this all week.

“But I like him more,” Tristan explained with a sad shake of his head as she stood there, mumbling, “I see…”

For a moment, she stared at the large bastard that she fully planned on telling on before she grabbed the potholders, shoved them in her brother’s hands, and said, “Take the chicken out when the timer goes off.” With one last glare at her brother, she dropped a quick kiss on Chase’s cheek and headed to her room where she paused to throw over her shoulder, “He clears his throat when he bluffs,” before heading to her room, trying to figure out what she was going to do now since the big jerk ditched her.

Chapter 30

“I love her,” Adam said with a heartfelt sigh as they watched Sloane head to her room.

“Aw, that’s so cute that you don’t think I’ll break every bone in your body for looking at my sister’s ass,” Tristan said as he tossed the potholders on the counter.

Adam glanced back at Tristan, worried his bottom lip as he thought it over before glancing back at Sloane only to nod with a murmured, “Totally worth it.”

“You’re on oven detail,” Tyler said, grabbing the discarded potholders and shoved them in Adam’s hands, most likely saving his life.

“But…” Adam mumbled sadly as he watched Sloane disappear inside

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