Furious (Anger Management #2) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,36

was wrong?

What if she turned out to be exactly like them?

What if Hunter didn’t want to have a child with her? Kylie wondered as she placed her hand over her flat belly, realizing that she’d never wanted anything more than she wanted this baby. She loved Hunter more than anything and she wanted to have a family with him, but he might not feel the same way. He

“Are you sure?” Hunter asked, glancing back at her.

Worrying her bottom lip, Kylie nodded, once.

There was a heavy sigh, and then

He was pulling her into his arms as he placed one hand reverently over her belly. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?” Hunter asked as he brushed his lips against hers.

“You’re happy?” Kylie asked, feeling her bottom lip tremble as she wrapped her arms around him.

She felt his lips pull up into a grin as he pulled her closer. “I’ve never been happier.”


Emerald, Florida

“Not fucking happening,” Chase said as he took in the large man standing in his doorway.

“And why’s that?” the asshole that better not have woken Sloane with all that fucking knocking drawled as Chase sat there, taking in the angry scar that ran down the side of his face that looked a hell of a lot worse than his.

“Because I don’t fucking need therapy,” Chase said, moving to slam the front door shut only to have the asshole reach out and place his hand on the door, stopping him.

“I wonder if you have any idea how much Sloane cares about you,” he murmured, looking thoughtful as Chase glanced back over his shoulder toward Sloane’s closed bedroom door.

“You’re here because of Sloane?” Chase asked, glancing back to find the other man considering him with a curious look in his eye.

“Would that make a difference?”

“Who are you?” Chase asked instead, turning his wheelchair around and headed to the kitchen.

“My name is Grey,” his unwelcomed guest said as he quietly closed the front door behind him and followed Chase down the hallway.

“How do you know Sloane?” Chase asked as he opened the refrigerator door and grabbed two beers.

“I don’t,” Grey said, accepting a beer as he leaned back against the counter.

“Then what are you doing here?” Chase asked, opening his beer and took a sip.

“I received an interesting email earlier today,” Grey said, taking a sip of his beer.

“What about?” Chase said, taking another sip only to pause when Grey said, “You.”

Shooting him a curious glance, Grey said, “From what I’ve read, she really cares about you.”

“She’s my aide,” Chase said, shrugging it off.

“Oh, she’s more than that,” Grey said, sounding thoughtful as he took a sip of his beer.

“Why do you say that?” Chase asked, placing his beer between his legs so that he could roll over to the counter.

“Because I don’t know many aides that are willing to volunteer at a clinic in exchange for getting their patients help,” Grey explained as Chase opened the bottom cabinet and grabbed a bag of chips.

“She did that?” Chase asked, glancing back to see Grey nodding as he sat down at the kitchen table.

Grey took a sip of his beer as Chase tossed the chips on the table and rolled over to join him. “She offered to come in on her days off and work for free doing whatever was needed, answering phones, mopping floors, and cleaning toilets. Basically, anything we need, she’s willing to do as long as I work with you,” Grey said, taking him by surprise.

“She’s not doing that,” Chase said firmly.

“No, she’s not,” Grey murmured, looking thoughtful as he glanced around the kitchen, taking in the floral wallpaper that Amy had fallen in love with when she’d convinced him to buy the fucking house.

Not really in the mood to think about just how badly she’d fucked him over, Chase gestured to the scar running down the side of Grey’s face. “Where’d you get that from?”

“My mother,” Grey said, shrugging it off as he copied the gesture. “You?”

“A building collapsed on top of me,” Chase said even as he couldn’t help but wonder if he should check on Sloane.

God, she’d nearly fucking destroyed him today.

He couldn’t stand to see a woman cry but watching Sloane cry today for that little boy had made him want to fucking kill something. He never wanted to see her in that much pain again. He’d do anything to make sure that she

“She’s worried about you,” Grey said, drawing his attention to find the other man watching him.

“She doesn’t need to be,”

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