Furious (Anger Management #2) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,3

grey eyes, and wore a tight black blouse that ended just above her belly button, leaving a section of perfectly tanned skin bare above her waist-hugging jeans. He gave her a dismissive look before returning his attention back to his sister.

“Take the three bitches and get the hell out of here, now.”

Melissa sighed heavily as she crossed her arms over her small chest. “No.”

He narrowed his eyes on her as he considered her response. “What do you mean by ‘no’?” Chase demanded, daring her to say something that was going to get her thrown out on her ass.

“Exactly what I said. You’re not taking care of yourself. You can’t get out of the house without help. This place, and you, reek. I’m done with this whole mess, Chase. You either accept the person that I hire, or you’re going into a nursing home,” she announced firmly, letting him know that she wasn’t playing around anymore.

Everything in him stilled at the threat. She wouldn’t...

“I already had Michael start up the paperwork. We’re ready to have you declared incompetent. You either accept this new situation, or you’re going to be living in a nursing home by Friday.”

He looked her in the eye, searching for any evidence that this was a bluff.

It wasn’t.



She didn’t so much as flinch. “Just to let you know that whoever we hire will be under my employ, so you won’t have the authority to fire her. If it doesn’t work out, then you’ll be going into a nursing home. Do you understand?”

He understood all right. She had him by the balls. Her husband was a mean son of a bitch when it came to the law. There was no way that he’d be able to find anyone good enough to defend him before he found himself in the geriatric ward.


There was no fucking way that he was going into one of those places again. The rehab center they’d forced him into after the accident had been a nightmare. It was only by sheer luck that Melissa hadn’t tried pulling this shit before now.

His eyes went back to the two ice bitches that looked smug. Fuck. If they knew that he couldn’t fire them, then he was totally fucking screwed. Chase had no doubt that he’d be able to run both of them off without a problem, but then he’d find himself in the same situation in a day or two.

No, he needed to find someone he could handle, control even. Someone that would be here for appearances but would leave him the fuck alone so that his sister would hold off on this bullshit plan of hers. Someone like...

His eyes darted to the woman leaning against the wall. She looked bored, very bored. She also looked really laid back, like the type of person who went with the flow and would be more than willing to collect her paycheck and keep her mouth shut. Yeah, this could work.

“Fine. I’ll take the bitch by the wall. The two ice bitches can go,” Chase said, already pushing his wheelchair toward his sanctuary.

“Well, I never!” one of the ice bitches exclaimed.

“Uh-huh, just don’t let the door hit you on your fat ass on the way out,” Chase said absently since his attention was already focused back on the television. His favorite soap opera was starting and he really wanted to see if Jack was going to discover that Janet had been fucking his father and brother for the past year and that the baby, he thought was his son might really be his brother or his nephew.

Daytime drama fucking rocked.

There was a small commotion in the foyer followed by muffled talking. He rolled his eyes as he raised the volume to drown out the bullshit. Melissa was probably filling his new “helper” in on bullshit like paychecks and duties, nothing he cared about.

Chase tossed the remote on the couch that he had very little use for these days, except for a place to throw his trash, and settled in to watch his show. His beer was lukewarm, but he wasn’t in the mood to roll into the kitchen to grab a new one. Maybe his new little helper would come in handy after all. She could do beer runs, Chase thought with a chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” Melissa asked as she stepped in front of him but was careful not to step in front of the television. She’d learned that lesson a few months ago.

His good humor instantly died. “Nothing. Get out.”


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