Full Rigged (Lost Creek Rodeo #4) - Rebecca Connolly Page 0,49

of their Christmas tree when there is no other light anywhere.”

No one said anything for a moment, the entire group listening to Ford talk. Brynn, for one, was transfixed. She didn’t have anything like that to share from childhood memories or of her home. She’d never felt so sentimental, or so connected to anything.

But something about hearing Ford share his memories filled that void a little, brought her a little comfort, just as he had done the day before.

How could he do that without even trying?

Ford lowered his hands, resting them on his chest and shaking his head. “That’s still my favorite thing about Montana, honestly.”

“I forgot that,” Lars murmured quietly, his voice harder to hear. “It was always so cool.”

Everyone was silent again, the image striking even in the mind.

Then one of the other guys cleared his throat. “Was that before or after your face froze off?”

They all laughed at that, and Brynn found herself comfortable enough to lay back on the blanket fully, Sherlock settling between her and Ford with a groaning snuffle.

Ford glanced at his dog, chuckling and scratching at his ear. “Make yourself comfortable, why don’t you?” His eyes moved to Brynn, and his smile made her stomach drop through her spinal cord. “How was your day?”

It was on the tip of Brynn’s tongue to say “fine,” but Kellie’s rule about the word came to mine, and she opted instead for honesty. “Hard.”

“How so?” he asked in a low voice. “What happened?”

“Therapy,” she said simply, smiling with what she hoped was comfort. “It’s okay, I think we’ve made some progress, but wow, was it raw. You ever feel like you’ve worked out so hard that you can feel every single muscle in your body? And then you still have stuff to do in your day?”

Ford grunted a soft laugh. “Yeah. I played hockey for a lot of years, and there’s a few of those types of practices that stick in my mind.”

“Of course, you played hockey. It’s my favorite sport. Anyway, that’s how I’m feeling.” She shook her head, moving her hand to touch Sherlock’s head for comfort. “All on the inside, but still. I don’t ache everywhere, but . . . I can feel everywhere. Like a sunburn. Does that make sense?”

“Yep.” His fingers crossed over to take hers, making her catch her breath. “I’m sorry it was raw, but I’m glad you think it’s progress.”

Brynn’s chest tightened, but not with panic, and she let her fingers brush against his for a minute. “Do you always know what to say, Boy Scout?”

He laughed again, this time as his thumb brushed across her index finger. “Nope. Almost never. I usually don’t say much, which lessens the chance of saying the wrong thing.”

“You’re on a good streak with me.” She smiled, rolling her head over to face him fully. “I looked you up, you know. Videos, anyway.”

“Oh boy.” He exhaled playfully, his smile still gorgeous. “What’d you find?”

Brynn laughed to herself. “Steer wrestling, of course. You’re nuts.”

“I’ve heard that.”

“But also guitar.” She shook her head a little. “You’re amazing.”

How he shrugged lying flat on his back, she didn’t know, but he did. “I’m all right. Didn’t know that was on there.”

“Eric’s channel,” she explained. “It was an old one; you were playing at a campfire.” She paused, biting her lip. “With a cute girl singing beside you.”

“My sister,” he said quickly. “Shay. You want talent, she’s got it in spades.”

Of course he’d take the chance to praise his sister instead of himself. Of course he would.

“It was beautiful,” she whispered, latching her fingers around his briefly. “I wish there were more videos of you doing that.”

“I don’t play for attention,” he replied, matching her tone. “But anytime you want to hear something, you let me know.”

Brynn swallowed hard at the sweet offer. “A hug and a serenade on demand?” she teased. “I’m gonna be spoiled by you.”

His smile flicked wide, and she lost feeling in her right hip. “That’s all right. I think you’re worth it.”

Kiss the man, Mandi’s voice ordered in her head, taking her by surprise. Kiss the man now!

It wasn’t a bad idea, either, but the distance posed a problem, as did the dog between them, and then there were the people around them . . .

And the fact that Brynn suddenly felt cold in her extremities while her heart exploded like a firework, the combination of which just made her feel dizzy.

No, she wouldn’t kiss him. Not here, not now. Possibly not ever,

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