Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,9

there?” I asked, my wild gaze seeking an answer in the Winter King’s ice-blue eyes, my palms pressing on his solid, hard chest as I sought shelter.

“Assassins breached the wards and bombed the club.” Rowan graced his icy lips over my temple as he informed me. “We need to get you out of here.”

Chapter 3

“I won’t run,” I said, lifting my chin. “I’m done running, and I mean it. I don’t know about you, but I happen to have a friend or two here. I won’t leave Indira behind.”

I wouldn’t leave Rydstrom behind either, though I didn’t say it aloud in front of Baron and Rowan. They would just get jealous.

Baron and Rowan traded a look. They’d been doing that a lot lately when I issued a strong objection to their proposal. Maybe Fae females were meek, but I wasn’t that kind of chick.

I stood my ground.

Rowan sighed. “You stay right here with me, then. But you’ll be my shadow until it’s safe.” He slanted an annoyed glance at the Summer King. “Baron, however, should go up to the floor to check the progress and report back. I helped clear the air with my ice magic, and you should contribute, too.”

“Report back?” Baron snapped. “Who do you think you are? I’m not your fucking messenger boy, Rowan. Don’t forget your place, Winter King.”

“I’ll go up and check. I don’t have an ego as big as Barcelona.” I tried to extract myself from Rowan’s possessive embrace, even though his touch made my skin tingle pleasantly.

“No,” both kings objected.

“We won’t put you in danger, Evie,” Baron said. “I’ll go up and return soon.” He darted a longing gaze at me in his half-brother’s arms, gave Rowan a baleful stare, and darted toward the stairs. He paused midway up and barked an order before taking off again. “Guard Evie well, Rowan.”

The Winter King growled at him.

“I’m not the hiding type,” I said, wiggling in his arms. “I need to make sure my friends are okay.”

Rowan only held me against him tighter. The kings had definitely grown on me, or I would have kneed him in the nuts for his overbearing behavior.

A knight of the Night Court shot down the stairs toward us. “Lady Evelina, King Rydstrom orders you to stay in the warded underground area.”

That ruffled my feathers the wrong way.

“Too bad for him, he isn’t my boss, and I don’t take orders.”

The knight quirked an eyebrow, and I remembered that technically Rydstrom was my boss since he employed me at the club. I’d stopped tending bar to avoid drawing attention, but he was still paying my regular salary.

“Well, it’s not important who the boss is,” I said, waving a hand dismissively. “What’s important is that I’m not going to sit on my hands. That’s not who I am. I’m supposed to be in the thick of the action.”

“You won’t be in any thick action,” Rowan said, his icy breath caressing my temple, his arm wrapping around my shoulder before I could break free from his grip.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Your Majesties need to drill this into your thick skulls—I’m not some damsel.”

“I never regarded you as one,” Rowan said, his turquoise eyes twinkling. “Baron once mistook you as a helpless mortal girl and got blue balls for his offense.”

The Winter King never missed a chance to ridicule his half-brother, but then Baron wasn’t any better. The rivalry between the Fae kings had been going on for two centuries, so it wasn’t going to vanish overnight just because they formed a temporary alliance and agreed to court and protect me together.

“I won’t make his mistake, Evie. But we’ve discussed your new situation. The fewer people see you in public, the safer you are. You also agreed not to draw any attention, remember?”

“But—” I protested, but Rowan kissed me gently on the lips, sending pleasure all over me and shattering my resolution.

“The secret agents of our enemies might be milling around in the crowd, still seeking you,” he added. “And you have family obligations. If you put yourself in harm’s way, you’ll place your siblings in grave danger.”

I deflated like a popped balloon. The Winter King had learned about my weakness.

“I can’t just hide and do nothing,” I muttered bitterly.

Baron reappeared at the top of the stairs, his sunbeam magic brightening the steps as he trotted down. His golden gaze locked on me, full of heat and concern.

“Why are you back so soon?” Rowan demanded. His grip around me softened as he Copyright 2016 - 2024