Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,60

us!” Drake thundered, though his tight expression made me think he’d considered all the scenarios and understood the end for all of us quickly approached. “Clear the path for Lady Evelina. K, get her out as soon as you see an opening!”

He planned to stay behind and sacrifice himself and everyone else.

While we were massively outnumbered, more enemy soldiers still poured out from every direction, swarming toward us like innumerable huge ants.

A terrible thought clicked in my agonized head. The Dawn Queen had made sure to lure both Baron and Rydstrom away while she set a trap for me here. Had the Winter King joined her scheme to eradicate me? The old wound of betrayal reopened, and unexpected angst surged in me.

Screams and shouts and clashing steel rent the clearing as I assessed the battlefield, and Lean and K fought toward me.

K plunged his claws into a demonca’s chest and yanked out its heart. A redheaded Summer Fae fought beside him and was cut down by a silver-haired Dawn Fae.

The troll stomped on a Night knight just as he dodged a Dawn Fae’s sword. A group of dark mages tossed purple bolts of sizzling energy at K. The magic bolts looked similar to the ones that had once trapped a half-Fae girl at Claws, Fangs, and Fiends.

I shouted a warning at K and threw up my hands. Black vines exploded out from the ground, shooting toward our enemies. They cleaved my vines with magic and blade, but more of my thorny vines burst out, slashing and tearing into them.

Drake and two Fae fought by my side fiercely. K and Lean finally tore an opening through the enemy ranks, and K yelled for me to join him.

“Go, Lady Evelina!” Drake barked, trying to push the crashing waves of enemies back with all his might. A demonca slashed its claws across his leg, and the Night knight bellowed in pain and rage before thrusting his silver blade into the demonca’s throat.

Another Summer Fae went down under the enemies’ brutal assaults.

Even if I could escape, I wouldn’t flee. It wasn’t in me to abandon my guards in the heat of battle and leave them to death. I prayed Baron and Rydstrom would continue to take care of my siblings. They would.

I charged into the enemy line to lend a hand to the remaining Fae warriors.

“We fight and die together!” I shouted, my eyes burning.

My vines rose and burst out from everywhere, attacking our foes with wires and thorns. Plants and trees all around us also answered my summons and joined the battle. The troll tore at the tendrils viciously, the demonca clawed at the branches, the Dawn Fae hacked at the roots, and the mage threw flaming balls to burn my vines.

Pain bloomed in me at the destruction of my vines. I was already greatly weakened by blood loss. I clenched my teeth and darted toward a Dawn Fae, who had cut down a Summer Fae. My boot connected to his hip while he tried to sneak up on Drake and drive his blade into the Night knight’s back. My dagger sank into the Dawn Fae’s spleen, and I watched him scream and fall.

“Stop whining,” I snarled. “Take it for your bitch queen like a man.” I ripped out my blade and moved onto the next target.

Stab. Rinse. Repeat.

I’d become a ruthless killer. I wondered briefly what my parents would think if they saw me fight and kill like this.

Drake wheeled in a half circle and tossed one of his jeweled daggers into the forehead of a demonca, who launched for me.

“Evie, get the hell out of here!” he yelled. “Save yourself!”

I ignored him and buried Netherbane, my beautiful, lethal dagger, into the stomach of a mage who launched a bolt at K. The bouncer doubled over in excruciating pain as the magic burned his side and forearm. He straightened at the next breath and tore into a rank of three Dawn Fae.

I cut my way toward him. Netherbane flashed Celeste blue as I pulled it out of a mage and kicked him down. In a blink, a host of demonca descended upon K and dragged him down. One of them bit into his flesh and started eating his face.

The enemy mages had burnt most of my vines. I directed the remaining plants to hurl the band of demonca away from K, but I couldn’t move them fast enough. The bear shifter lay unmoving in a pool of blood, his throat torn out.

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