Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,48

it. Or I would have to do it. The twins and Emmett also needed a haircut.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. There were so many mundane things to take care of in life, and I still had a bounty on my head and the Fae kings to deal with. How had my parents even survived us?

“Yep,” I said, more for my brother’s benefit. “He’s out of the picture. If he ever shows his face here, he’ll get worse than a kick in the teeth.”

Fangs. The Winter King had grazed his fangs over my neck when he’d roared his climax as if he wanted to mark me. He’d pulled back at the last second. I shivered in horror at the consequences if he had indeed marked me permanently. It sickened me even more that a secret, treacherous part of me still craved the Winter King, as if the sadist had branded my soul.

Fawn gazed at me, her big gray eyes that were both young and ancient weighted down with sorrow.

“Let’s cross him off,” Cassidy said. “You still have two rich suitors, Commander, so we’re good.”

The twins looked sullen, since they’d been quite taken with the Winter King. They were like his protégés.

“Maybe you can give him another chance, Commander?” Nox offered. “Rowan isn’t too bad. Maybe you should be more patient and get to know him more?”

Seriously? My younger siblings were schooling me on dating?

“Shut up,” I snapped and glared at them. “Let’s not talk about those guys anymore. We have more important things to worry about.”

“We do?” Asuka asked.

“Like what?” Safiya snickered.

“We still have money, right?” Nox asked. He always worried about money. “Did your boss pay you? If he hasn’t, we’ll take him to court,” he added viciously.

I sighed. These stinkers tested my patience, and I had just softened toward them a few minutes ago.

“We might have to make a change of plans, like moving again,” I said, scanning their faces to see how they’d take the bomb I was going to drop. I had to prepare them.

“No way.” Safiya pouted right away. “I’m not moving again.”

“If we move, how can Mom and Dad find us when they come back?” Emmett asked quietly.

“We have enemies,” I said, hardening my voice. “Dad and Mom never told us that because they wanted to shield us as best they could. They protected us by moving around so our enemies couldn’t find us. We’ve stayed in this place for too long, and the enemies have finally caught up with us. I’ll stand my ground and fight back. But before I can drive them away, I need to make sure all of you are safe, and I won’t give them a chance to come after you.”

My siblings were shocked into silence, their mouths agape.

“That’s why we have so many guards.” Cassidy nodded before raising his chin and pounding his small chest with a fist. “I’m not afraid, Commander. I’ll follow you into battle if you really want.”

“That day will come, but not today,” I said, feeling fondness toward my little brother.

“Who are our enemies?” Emmett asked.

“Lethal creatures from the other world,” Fawn said dreamily. “Evie was born a queen. Some of them will do anything to stop her from returning to claim her rightful crown.”

My other siblings snapped their heads toward her, and a chill slithered up my spine.

“One of us will be taken,” Fawn continued. “You must TURN sooner, Princess Ileana, to survive the Wild Hunt. If you die, all will be lost, and the world will turn dark.”

Ice coursed in my veins. She’d known my true name, my Fae name. There was no denying who I was. There was no turning back.

“Why did your eyes turn white, Fawn?” Safiya asked. “Stop it! It’s not funny, weirdo.”

I glared at Safiya. “Don’t ever call her that, you hear me? If it weren’t for our parents’ sake, I wouldn’t mind leaving you behind, you entitled bitch!”

Safiya looked taken aback by my vicious tone, which I had never used when we’d fought before. She could come after me, but coming after my baby sister? Nope. She glared at me for a second and then dropped her eyes as if she was suddenly afraid of me, and the harshness went out of me.

I pulled Fawn into my arms. “Angel, do you want to go to your room?”

I didn’t want my other siblings to hear any more predictions Fawn might utter, and I’d certainly protect her from anyone. My little sister carried the burden of two souls, and the Copyright 2016 - 2024