Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,30

next second.

“Baron and I shared the same father, but we grew up in different courts,” Rowan said. “We only saw each other when all four courts gathered during the Summer or Winter solstice. In our young twenties, we were both smitten with a Summer Fae, stunned by her beauty. We thought Minerva was our greatest love. Baron and I fought to win her over, and she played us both. In the end, she chose me and stayed in the Winter Court.

“Two months later, for the glory of battle, I joined the Wild Hunt of the year, a barbaric practice among Fae tradition. But I was too young and naïve to realize that. When I returned, I found her body torn to pieces in the royal garden of the Winter Palace. I’ve been hunting Minerva’s murderers ever since. I still haven’t found her killers. She died in my court, unguarded and alone. The day before, she’d begged me not to go to the Wild Hunt and I didn’t listen. I couldn’t overcome the cold, dark part of me. I failed her. I don’t blame Baron for never forgiving me.”

Icy rage and grief and guilt darkened his blue eyes.

“I’m so sorry,” I said, feeling his pain vibrating to me, “that both you and Baron lost your great love. I hope her spirit finds peace and comfort knowing that you’ll always have her in your heart.”

I grieved for the woman he lost. I understood the profound hurt of losing someone. My heart ached every second for not being able to get my parents back and not knowing what happened to them.

“We were very young then and perceived love and passion differently,” he said. “I once loved Minerva, but she wasn’t my mate. I did not feel the bond with her that I feel toward you. What I once felt for her pales in comparison to what I now feel for you.”

Frost sparkled on my hair from the Winter King’s icy breaths.

I touched his forearm with my fingers. “It’s okay, Rowan. I’m not that petty. What kind of person would be jealous of the dead? You don’t need to make me feel better by telling me that you feel more for me than for her. I’m just terribly sorry that you lost her.”

“Evie, you underestimate the depth of my feelings for you—” he protested, but I put my thumb on his icy lips before tracing his bottom lip. Desire burned in his eyes as he gazed at me.

“You said that you have a vast library full of Fae records and lost history,” I said, wanting a change of scenario and subject, even though I enjoyed being in Rowan’s arms atop his castle and looking at the lake on one side and the snow-capped forest on the other. Sorrow still beat in me for him, the death of his lost love hanging between us.

It was our first date, and I wanted to focus on the living and the future instead of dwelling on the tragic past we couldn’t change.

I felt closer to him than all the weeks we’d known each other after he opened up to me. For a proud alpha Fae male, it was a huge step for him to let me peek into his deep wound and vulnerability. Fae hated revealing any weakness and vulnerability.

I didn’t take it lightly.

“You want to see the library?” He blinked, a teasing smile ghosting his lips. “Every other female has desired to visit my treasure room. I hoard rare jewelry and gold like a dragon.”

My eyes widened. “You have a treasure room? I’d love to check it out after a visit to the library. I’ve never seen a king’s vault of treasure before. It must be spectacular, right? And I’ve loved sparkly things since I was a little girl.”

“Sure you do,” he said coyly.

The Winter King crushed me against his chest, his strong arm wrapping around my waist. My breath caught. The next second, he lifted me into the air, and we were teleporting in a swirl of white snowflakes and a blast of winter wind.

When we touched down on the plush, luxurious carpet, I found myself in the center of a grand room lined with floor-to-ceiling bookcases protected by glass panels. Leather armchairs and glass tables with slim seats dotted the space.

“So, this is your royal library?” I asked, not expecting it to be so modern. Considering their castles and the way they talked, the Fae kings seemed straight out of medieval times.

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