Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,14

down. Jaafan batted them away as if they were insects and smashed one of them with a sickening sound.

No one could stop the troll’s advance now, and no blades could pierce it. Even its eyeballs were made of stone. The best the knights could do was chip away bits of its rocky skin.

The Summer Fae reeled me back with them as Jaafan neared our group, trying to put more distance between the troll and me. The Night Fae were still battling an army of the demon Fae, endeavoring to prevent the enemies from getting to me from the other side. The knights were skilled warriors, but the darkfae appeared well-trained too, and they fought viciously, full of hatred for the pureblood Fae.

Screams of pain, battle yells, and the brusque clashing of steel rang out amid the trees and asphalt. The stench of blood and death permeated the air.

While the darkfae sagged in heaps, we were losing many knights as well. Meanwhile, more and more darkfae surged out of the forest.

“Let me fight,” I shouted, shoving at the knights shielding me.

Baron and Rowan flung their magics at the troll, but neither the blasts of winter nor the summer powers were making much headway with the creature. Baron and Rowan traded a determined look before they leapt in the air, rode the wind, and reached Jaafan. The creature swung its long stone arm at the kings, its rough fingers turning to claws, but the kings evaded the strike in a blur of speed and easily landed on the giant monster’s shoulders.

Metal ropes materialized in their hands. The brothers must have fought common enemies in the past, as their movements synchronized so well.

Rowan wrapped the rope around Jaafan’s neck, and Baron’s twin metal whips coiled around the troll’s massive legs to halt its advance. Jaafan struggled and yowled in rage, but the kings refused to give an inch. At the same time, their magics lashed out to counter the darkfae’s dark magics, allowing the knights to focus on stabbing the enemy soldiers.

Then a new wave of demon fae poured out of the forest and surged toward us.

“The Night knights need help!” I barked furiously at the Summer knights who wouldn’t let me join the fight.

With a roar, I leapt in the air, surprising myself when I actually landed on a Summer knight’s shoulder. He yelped, not expecting this move of mine. I jumped over him and into the fray, slicing my dagger over the scaled throat of a seven-foot-tall darkfae before he could hack down one of Rydstrom’s knights.

When I ran my dagger into the side of another darkfae, it took some effort. It dawned on me that the hybrids were indeed stronger than pureblood Fae. But Netherbane wasn’t an ordinary blade; it was infused with magic and spells. I rammed the blade into the half demon, impaling his heart.

I felt good. I dashed to another darkfae and quick as a flash, buried Netherbane into its hideous face.

“Evelina!” Rowan roared, cold panic in his voice.

I glanced over my shoulder to see a rush of hellfire rolling toward me like lightning bolts. Rowan’s current of ice spears flew to meet the dark magic attack, but he couldn’t diffuse all the hellfire surging toward me. Baron’s sunbeam shield couldn’t cover me in time, either.

Then a Winter knight, who once interrogated the pizza guy and stopped him from coming to my house, leapt behind me and took the hit of the hellfire that was meant to burn a hole through my back. The knight screamed and dropped to the ground.

He gave his life to save me, and I wasn’t even his friend.

“No!” I cried, hating to see anyone sacrifice themselves for me. Tears streamed down my face as I yanked out Netherbane, the blade still dripping with demon blood.

I desperately called my magic again, but still it didn’t answer.

Baron hurled a sheet of his brilliant sunbeam into the ranks of the new demon Fae force, his fiery eyes glowing with lethal fury. The intense sunbeam toasted a gang of darkfae before they could launch their hellfire at me. But another group already held the magic in their hands, and their hellfire launched at me like blazing volleyballs.

The kings screamed my name, and the knights raced to reach me before the assault, willing to give their lives for me. But no one could make it in time.

A tidal wave of hellfire hit me. The impact threw my ass to the ground several feet back, but the cold, Copyright 2016 - 2024