Frost Fae (Dark Fae Kings #2) - Meg Xuemei X Page 0,12

share me, and they fixed on the practice of a fair share. But who decided what was fair?

I’d always been a one-man-at-a-time woman. Though I couldn’t deny my attraction to all three of them, being thrust into a polyandrous relationship without any preparation was going to take some getting used to. I wasn’t brought up that way, yet my body was more than willing to sample and take all the Fae kings.

And I had to admit that I’d fantasized about fucking all three of them, despite the conventional human moral restrictions on such relationships. Color me a slut, but I just couldn’t choose one over the others. Pain stole my breath just thinking of having to pick only one of the Fae kings.

Yet I was sure of one thing—I had to keep my pants on for now if I wanted to survive the coming shit storm.

Which meant I needed a distraction before I made an utter fool of myself.

“Uh, do you guys have Rydstrom’s cell phone number?” I asked as their raw need for me engulfed me, making my core tighten and ache. “I need to be able to reach you if there’s an emergency. I can’t just rely on your knights to pass on crucial information. Fae can use phones to communicate in the human world, right?” I knew I was babbling, but it gave me something to focus on besides their intoxicating caresses. “We should call Rydstrom to ask about the bombs. Drake wasn’t much help and he loves to leave us hanging—”

Rowan suddenly looked up from my wrist, staring hard out the front window. The van in front of us flew into the air and flipped twice. “Stop!” he roared at the driver.

Everything happened at once.

A loud sound like a thunderclap boomed outside, despite the clear sky. My ears rang, and my heart pounded.

Our driver slammed on the brake and the van squealed. Before it stopped fully, the doors had flung open. Rowan grabbed me and pulled me out of the sliding door, his ice magic shielding me as we landed on the side of the road. Baron jumped out right after us, his long sword materializing in his hand.

I watched with wide eyes as the first van plunged into the pond headfirst, creating large waves that destroyed clustered lily pads as they rippled out. The van’s doors flew open, and two Summer knights leapt out and landed on the bank in a crouch, their eyes frantic and their swords drawn. One knight was left behind, struggling to get out of the passenger door and keep his head above the murky water.

The last van bumped into the rear of our vehicle and shrieked to a stop. Rydstrom’s knights exited so efficiently they could have been a SWAT team.

Another explosion blared, and a huge tree collapsed behind the last van to cut off our retreat.

“Ambush!” a Winter knight hollered.

Shadows of all shapes bolted out of the woods to our left, swarming toward us like locusts.

“An army of darkfae,” Baron spat as he raised his sword, the afternoon sunlight glinting off the white blade. “Kill the abominations!”

Three groups of darkfae closed in on us. As offspring of demons and Fae, the hybrids were also called demon Fae. I gawked at the deformed monsters that reeked of sulfur and rotting corpses. They didn’t come out right due to their mixed breeding.

I pulled out Netherbane, the dagger Dad gifted me. Pale blue light streaked down the blade as Netherbane responded to my inner power. Inspired by that, I called for my magic to aid me in the coming battle, but I wasn’t confident it would answer.

“The demon Fae are getting bolder,” Rowan said icily. “They no longer conceal their existence. We can’t allow any of them to live.”

“Alpha Team,” Baron barked. “Form a protection ring around Lady Evelina.”

“I can protect myself,” I protested. “I want to fight.”

But the Summer knights formed walls around me in an instant. The Winter knights assembled as well and posed themselves as the first line of defense, spreading outside the ring formed by the Summer knights. The Night knights took the offensive, rushing toward the coming armada of the darkfae.

We were greatly outnumbered. As if that weren’t bad enough, an earth-shattering bellow shook the air. The ground trembled as a giant stepped out of the woods, blocking the road ahead.

His bluish skin appeared rock hard. His open jaw exposed serrated fangs longer than my arms, and his coarse features scrunched together like a nightmare came alive. Copyright 2016 - 2024