Friends with Benefits - Nicole Blanchard Page 0,63

he felt with actions.

“I know you want to come. But you have to get ready for your game tomorrow. I’ll be fine, I promise. Besides, you’re coming with me to your parents’ after.”

He sulked about it for a while but finally agreed to let me go to the first doctor’s appointment the next day alone. I knew he wanted to be there like he said, but I was adamant he not jeopardize his future. Besides, it was just a blood test to confirm the pregnancy and then remove my IUD. I could handle that. The important part was that he understood I wanted him to be there and that I’d let him take care of me when it mattered.

I was used to hospitals, doctors, and the scent of bleach and antibacterial spray. I’d spent about a quarter of my life in hospitals, sometimes with patients who were so close to death it was like I could feel death’s presence hovering over my shoulder, daring me to fail at my job. But when it was me as the patient? Hell no. I’d rather be on my deathbed at home, please and thank you.

The nurse walked me back to the room and had me change into a paper gown. They took urine and blood samples to confirm the pregnancy and asked details about my last period and history. Pretty standard routine, like I’d expected.

They explained the risks associated with the IUD removal, which I already knew. But the risks of keeping the IUD in were worse. The experience was a little painful, but not as bad as I’d anticipated.

“Take it easy for a few days,” they advised. “And come in if you experience any significant pain or prolonged bleeding.”

I was in and out in a little over an hour and felt immediately relieved when it was all over. Everything was going to be okay. Like the life blooming inside me, I allowed a little bit of hope to take root that everything would be okay.

I wondered if he could tell that things had changed between us. The words were on the tip of my tongue. I kept telling myself just to spit them out, but they wouldn’t come. What if my feelings were only because of hormones? I wanted to be certain before I said them to him.

Or maybe I wanted him to say them to me first so I wouldn’t look like a total fool if he didn’t reciprocate. Maybe I just needed to find it inside me to be brave. I had to be brave, take a chance.

He held my hand all the way from the hospital to his parents, who were watching the girls while I was at the appointment and Tripp was at practice. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to repay the Wilder family for their generosity.

“You feeling okay?” he asked.

“A little achy, but otherwise, I’m fine. Like I was five minutes ago.” I squeezed his hand to show I was teasing. It was honestly cute how concerned he was. He would be a good dad. My heart twinged, imagining him holding a tiny newborn. Damn hormones. If I wasn’t already pregnant, I sure as hell would enjoy trying to get that way.

“When do you think we should tell my parents?”

My smile fell a little. That was something I’d been worrying over. I knew they’d be ecstatic, but there was still a little part of me that was worried they wouldn’t approve of me as “the one” for their son. He was so wonderful in every way, and I was I wasn’t going to be a big star. I didn’t have huge plans with my life other than surviving day-to-day. Tripp should be with someone as special as he was.

“Let’s tell them once we’re past the first trimester,” I said. Maybe by then, I’d come to terms with how much everything had changed. Maybe by then, I’d have the courage to tell him I loved him.

“Sounds good to me. They’re going to be so excited.”

“You think so?”

“I know so. They love you, and they already consider Molly and Tillie to be their granddaughters. They’ll be ecstatic to add another to the brood.”

“They won’t be disappointed? Like, we’re not really in a relationship, and we’re not married or settled. I’m almost done with my paramedic certification, but you’re just starting your career.”

He put his finger over my lips after he parked in their driveway. “Labels don’t matter to me, but I know they do to you. Copyright 2016 - 2024