Friends with Benefits - Nicole Blanchard Page 0,37

spine like a caress, and I was already halfway hard from waking up beside her. Her sexy voice, rough from sleep, pushed me the rest of the way.

I finished pulling on my shirt and sat next to her. Her flame-bright hair fanned over her pillow. I brushed it back to reveal her face and kissed her soft, pink lips. “I have to. The girls will be up soon, and I have practice.”

“Play hooky and get back into bed with me.” Her hand dipped under my shirt, her nails scratching lightly up and down my back, making me groan, and testing my resolve.

Maybe it had occurred to me on at least one occasion that the friends-with-benefits gig was good for me, too. A girlfriend during the most crucial season of my life would complicate things, and distract me from my ultimate goal. And Ember Stevens was, if nothing else, the sexiest kind of distraction.

“I wish I could, angel. But unless you ever want to see me again, I should probably go. Coach will make me run bleachers for days if my ass is a minute late again.” My body heated as I recalled a moment last month when I’d slept in barely ten minutes because I’d woken up to my alarm and wanted to spend a few more moments with her. My legs had been sore for a week because of all the running.

“I’ll give you a deep tissue massage if he makes you run. I know you like those.”

I let her draw me down for another kiss, despite my better judgment. Common sense didn’t seem to work quite right when it came to her. Heat licked along my nerves, settled low in my gut. I gave serious consideration to calling in sick—a little running never killed anybody.

She shifted, and the sheet slipped down her body accidentally-on-purpose. My muscles went tight at the sight of her pert, rose-tipped breasts and flat belly. I wanted my head in between her shapely thighs and my mouth on her heat until she was as wound up as she constantly made me.

I couldn’t remember a time since we’d been neighbors when I hadn’t wanted to be right where I was now. Couldn’t remember a time when I hadn’t wanted her.

Which is exactly why I pulled back, letting the cool air chilling the room rush between us. Get it together, Wilder. Keep your game face on.

She doesn’t need the pressure. Keep it light, simple. Focus.

“Next time,” I promised.

Her sigh was petulant, but she said, “Alright. See you Wednesday?”

That should give me enough time to clear my head and give me some perspective. Her classes and twenty-four-hour shifts were honestly a godsend. Spending too much time in her bed, wrapped up in her, made me think stupid things. Like wondering what it’d be like to have something more.

Clarity and space. That’s what I needed. Not another morning waking up next to the woman who made me think I could find a woman who’d make me as happy as my parents were.

“See you Wednesday,” I repeated.

I was already looking forward to it.

The door closed behind me with a soft click, and I padded down the short hallway to the living room, where I stumbled to a halt. The twins were perched on the couch, their faces ablaze in a glow of bright pink as they stared, rapt, at My Little Pony on the television. They both glanced over at the same time, noted my presence like it was a daily occurrence, then turned back to the TV. I mean, it was practically a daily occurrence, but they weren’t supposed to know that.

My huff of indignation caught in my throat. We thought we were so clever, having me sneak in after they went to sleep and slip out before they woke up. Clearly, our best-laid plans had been stymied by a pair of munchkins. They didn’t seem to be as caught off guard and continued watching TV while I wondered if I should wake Ember up or not.

“Morning,” Tillie said before I came up with an answer. She yawned and glanced over at me as the show moved to a commercial. Molly merely smiled, then shoved her face in her sister’s arm.

They were too precious for words sometimes. Ember had done such a good job protecting them from her parents’ bullshit. “What are you doing up?” I asked and crossed to ruffle their silken hair.

“Waiting for Emmy.”

“Do me a favor?” I asked. Tillie nodded, and Molly peered out with Copyright 2016 - 2024