Friends with Benefits - Nicole Blanchard Page 0,33

perfect time.”

“And you don’t mind watching them overnight a couple of times a week? My shifts are twenty-four hours long every third day.”

Mom began scooping up heaping spoonfuls of mashed potatoes and green beans on the plates she had on the counter. “Of course not. They’re sweet girls. I just worry about the transition for them. Perhaps we should let them visit for a couple of days before your next shift? Just so they get used to being around the house here before they sleep over.”

“I don’t want to impose,” Ember said and brushed her hair behind her ears with a trembling hand. I wanted to take it in mine. What the hell was with my impulse to hold her hand? Christ.

“Oh, it’s not an imposition at all. I’m happy to help.” I could tell my mom wanted to say more, but she stopped herself. Ember was protective about her family, and I was sure she didn’t want too much sympathy. God, I loved my parents. “I’d love to hear more about the girls’ schedule.”

Relief made Ember’s shoulders sag as she relayed where the girls went to school, what times they had to be dropped off and picked up from the bus, and other crap I didn’t really listen to. I couldn’t stop staring at Ember, who seemed relaxed for the first time since her life blew up. I liked seeing her this way.

I wanted to keep her smiling and, if being her friend-with-benefits was how I made that happen, then so fucking be it.

The girls were asleep by the time we made it back to the apartment complex. Ember wasn’t far behind them, considering her eyes were closed and her forehead was leaning against the glass as I pulled into the parking structure. I shook her gently awake and thought about how much I wanted to kiss her.

“We’re here,” I said. “I’ll get Tillie if you’ll get Molly.”

She nodded and stifled a yawn. “Remind me to thank your mom again for all the leftovers. She really didn’t need to do that.”

I chuckled as I lifted a sleeping Tillie into my arms. She grumbled a little, then went lax in my arms as she settled back into sleep. “I told you she liked to fuss.”

“Hmm, I guess you’re right. My mom has never done anything like that.”

I wanted to tell her how sorry I was that she lost the genetic lottery, but I kept my mouth shut. She didn’t need to hear that shit. Saying sorry wouldn’t change anything. All I could do was what I’d been doing. Ember could handle her own shit.

I waited in their living room as Ember got the girls changed and into bed, and a thought occurred to me. “Why don’t you move them into your parents’ room?” I asked when she was done.

She pushed a hand through her hair, and her brow creased as she considered my suggestion. “I don’t know. I never thought about it. They’ve always been there. I guess I could since they both ran out on us.”

“You all deserve your own space. But that’s not the only thing. You should talk to my mom next time about making an appointment with a lawyer to see what your rights are.” Before Ember could argue, I said, “You owe it to the girls. You have to protect them now. You may as well make it legal.”

“I’ll think about it,” she said with a yawn. “But I need to get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”

Before she could object, I crossed the room and took her into my arms. “I’ve been wanting to do this all night.”

Then I kissed her.

She tasted like sugar, and her hands went to my chest. It wasn’t urgent and powerful like it had been before. It was sleepy and sweet. I wanted nothing more than to take her to bed and make love to her until she was too exhausted to move, but I made myself slow the kiss and pull away.

“Good night, Ember.”

“Good night.”

Chapter Thirteen


“Do we have to go to the babysitter’s after school?” Tillie whined the next morning. “I’m tired. You snored.”

Molly nodded emphatically, her thumb stuck in her mouth. She hadn’t done that since she was two. I rubbed a hand over the throbbing that was beginning to demand attention behind my right eye. It’s okay. I’ve got this. It wasn’t often the twins were whiney and uncooperative, but when they were, I was outnumbered, which made it all the harder.

“I don’t snore,” I Copyright 2016 - 2024