The Friend Scheme - Cale Dietrich Page 0,30

I say, lifting the figure.

Jason’s face totally lights up, and he smiles that super-cute smile again. “Me too. She’s my favorite.”

“Not to brag or anything,” I say. “But I can name, like, all of them. Even the new ones.”

“Are you trying to impress me?”

“Maybe a little.”

“Well, well done. I am impressed. Which is your favorite?”

“Oh, it’s tough. I like so many. Like Goodra is cool, and I like Chandelure a lot, as well. If I had to pick, though, I’d pick Umbreon. Specifically shiny Umbreon. I just made it my phone background.”

“Show me.”

He moves in so close that his arm touches mine. I don’t exactly hate how it feels.

I turn my phone and show him. It’s a picture I found on Tumblr of shiny Umbreon looking up at the night sky. I like it more than normal Umbreon because his circles are blue instead of yellow, and blue is my favorite color.

“That’s awesome,” he says. “I really like it.”


“Take a seat anywhere you want, by the way.”

I sit down onto his beanbag, breathless, and wait until he hands me my controller. As he does, he touches my fingers again.

I ignore it.

We start playing. I let him pick Pokémon Trainer, and I pick Pikachu Libre.

As we fight, I glance at him. He’s totally focused on the game, his stare intense.

It’s pretty hot. He lounges on his computer chair, with his legs resting on an ottoman. Weirdly, I find myself staring at the stretch of ankle showing. I know ankles were, like, scandalous in the olden days, which I’ve always thought was weird. But now I somewhat get it.

“Hey,” I say after the match ends. He won, but it was because he used an Assist Trophy, so I’m not sure it counts. “I was wondering if you wanted to talk more about what we talked about on the roof?”

“Family stuff?”

“No, er. I meant…”

“Oh,” he says. “Gay stuff, you mean?”


“What about it?”

“Um, anything. I’m so new to it all, so I have questions.”

“About sex? Well, when two guys really like each other, they play rock-paper-scissors to decide who’s topping, and then—”

“Shut up! I know how sex works. I mean, like, what’s being out been like for you?”

“Oh. Um, mostly good.”

“Only mostly?”

“Yeah. I think I’m lucky I’m a big dude, so people don’t tend to be homophobic to my face. Some girls treat me like I’m a cute plaything, which I don’t like, and sometimes I feel like guys on the team say stuff behind my back. That sucks.”

“What do they say?’

“I dunno. I think they might be less cool with it than they let on publicly. Like, even though I’m on the team, I’m not really close with anyone. We’re just acquaintances, really. All my actual friends are girls. Which is great, but I think maybe me being gay is part of the reason I haven’t clicked with other guys. Does that make any sense?”

“For sure. But wait, do your parents know?”

He nods. “Yeah, everyone does. It’s not a big deal, it’s, like, the tiniest part of me. I actually hate it when people make it my main thing, you know? I feel like my being gay doesn’t actually mean anything. I just like dudes in the way some guys like girls. It’s not a big deal. I’d rather people think of me as a gamer or a student council rep or a baseball player.”

I don’t really agree that it’s not a big deal. But to each their own.

He’s gay, he should be able to decide what it means to him.

“You’re on student council?”



His mouth drops open. “If you want to talk smack, you’re going to need to be a lot better at this game.”

I laugh. “That’s fair.”

“Anyway, do you have any other gay questions?” he asks. “I’m always happy to give you advice, if you want it. I can be like your gay Jedi master. Teach you the ways of the gay force and all that.”

“Like a rainbow Yoda?”

“Exactly. Much to learn about tongue pops, you still have, young master.”

I laugh.

“Seriously, though, did anyone have any issues with it?” I ask. “Sorry I have so many questions, I’ve just never actually talked to a gay guy before. I’ve always wanted to, I just…”

“I bet you have, just not one who’s out,” he says. “And nobody had any issues. Not to my face, at least. For a while people thought I was going to go pro at baseball, and some people thought being gay would make that harder. Honestly, it just made me Copyright 2016 - 2024