Freed (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian #3) - E.L. James Page 0,47

her eyes and nestles into my arms. I grin and hold her close.

Nina is still singing her heart out. I find the remote on the bed and switch her off, letting silence fall over Ana and me and the playroom. “Well done, Ana Steele. I’m in awe of you,” I whisper, but she’s fast asleep…in the harness. I smile and kiss the top of head.

Ana, I love you and I love your inner freak.

Monday, July 18, 2011

It’s early and Bastille is his usual tyrannical self as we warm up. “Good cross. Again,” he shouts, his words a staccato.

I jab and land a punch on his palm pad.

“Again. Jab. Cross.”

I comply.

“Change hands. Leg back.”

My right leg is back and I’m in fight stance.


I throw my weight behind my right glove and the sound of leather slapping on leather echoes around the basement gym at Grey House.

“Good. Again. Keep going. We gotta keep you in shape, Grey. You gotta look good walking down the aisle.” He cackles.

Ignoring his tone, I rain blows on his palm pads.

“Cool. Good. Enough.”

I stop and catch my breath. I’m wired. Ready. Bouncing on my toes. Adrenaline flowing through my veins. I’m ready to strike. I’m on top of the fucking world.

“I think that’s enough warm-up. Let’s blow the corporate bullshit out of your brain.”

“You’re on, dude. You are going down.”

He flashes me a broad, bright grin as he slides his gloves over taped hands. “That’s fighting talk, Grey. You know, your girl is making fine progress. She’ll keep your ass in line. She’ll make one worthy opponent.”

She’s a worthy opponent now.

And she keeps my ass in line.

And I keep hers—

Don’t think about that now!

He raises his fists. “Ready, old man?”

What? I’m ten years his junior.

“Old. I’ll give you old, Bastille.” I lunge at him.

Feeling refreshed and ready for the day, I take my seat at my desk and fire up the iMac. Ana is waiting at the top of my inbox.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Soaring, In and Out of the Red Room.

Date: July 18 2011 09:32

To: Christian Grey

My dearest Mr. Grey

It’s hard to know which I prefer: sailing, soaring or the Red Room of Pain Pleasure. Thank you for yet another unforgettable weekend.

I love flying high in every way with you.

I am, as ever, in awe of your talents…all of them. ;)

Your soon-to-be wife xxxx

My grin in response to Ana’s e-mail is out of control. But I don’t care. I look up when Andrea places a cup of coffee on my desk, and she looks a little disconcerted.

“Thanks, Andrea.”

“Shall I ask Ros to come up?” Andrea asks, recovering her composure.

“Please do.” I clear my throat, wondering what’s bothering my PA. I type a quick response to Ana.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Physical Pursuits

Date: July 18 2011 09:58

To: Anastasia Steele

My darling Anastasia

I love soaring with you.

I love playing with you.

I love doing you.

I love you.


Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

PS: Which talent in particular? Inquiring minds need to know.

Ros knocks and enters my office. “Good morning, Christian,” she chimes as I press send. She’s unusually cheerful. Standing, I wave her to the table.

“Good morning.”

“Why the frown?” she asks as she sits down.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so upbeat.”

Her smile could rival the Great Sphinx at Giza. “God is good.”

I raise my eyebrows. This is very un-Ros-like behavior. Taking a seat opposite her, I wait patiently for an explanation. She shuffles her papers and hands me the agenda for our meeting. It’s obvious she’s not going to elucidate, and I don’t wish to pry. I glance down at the first item. “The Taiwan shipyard?”

“They’re offering a full disclosure of their P&L, their assets and liabilities. They want to partner with a U.S. company. They’d like to pitch.”

“They sound eager.”

“They do,” Ros confirms.

“I think we should take them up on the offer and conduct our due diligence. Then we can take it from there. Agreed?”

“I think so. We have nothing to lose at this stage.”

“Okay. Let’s do it.”

“I’ll put the paperwork in place.” Ros scribbles down a note and moves to the next item on the agenda.

There’s an e-mail from Ana waiting for me when I’ve concluded my meeting with Ros.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Your Physical Pursuits

Date: July 18 2011 10:01

To: Christian Grey

Why, Mr. Grey…so rude and so modest! I think you can guess—your sexpertise knows no bounds.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing the house again this evening.

I am in a meeting that concludes at 5 p.m. I’ll see you then?


I pick up my phone and dial her direct line.

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