Freed (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian #3) - E.L. James Page 0,283

lives upstairs with the rest of the staff.

She’s in her early forties. Never married. Never had kids. I’m sure there’s a story there that Ana will unearth one day. Ana has a knack for getting people to talk.

She did it with me.

Hope has been with us for three months, and so far, it’s working well. Ana had insisted on someone older—a career nanny, because Ana’s so young. I want someone I can learn from. My mom lives too far away, and your mom is so busy.

Hope does not approve of Ted sleeping in our bed.

As much as I love him, I’m with Hope on this, but Ana will not be swayed.

Hope kisses Teddy’s belly and he chortles with glee.

It’s a beautiful sound.

“I’ll leave you to it,” I tell Hope.

Mrs. Jones is at the stove. “Good morning, Gail.”

“Ah! Mr. Grey. Good morning. Happy anniversary.”

“Thank you. I’d like to take Ana breakfast in bed.”

“Lovely idea. What would the two of you like?”

“Pancakes, bacon. Blueberries. Coffee.”

“Coming right up. It’ll be about twenty minutes.”

“Great.” I amble into my study to fetch the first of my anniversary presents for Ana. The second one, an eternity ring—a symbol of my eternal love—I’ll give to her over dinner this evening. I open my desk drawer to check that the red box with her ring is still there, but my eyes stray to the photograph of Ella Pusztai adorned by a silver frame that’s now tucked away in my drawer. Ana liberated the snap from my childhood bedroom and had it enlarged and placed in the frame as a gift for my last birthday, but no matter how often I open the drawer, the sight of my birth mother catches me unawares.

“You still wanted your mom. You loved her.”

My wife is nothing if not persistent. She also found Ella’s final resting place and we’ll go one day…I think. Maybe I’ll find out more about her then, and maybe after that, she’ll earn a place on my shelf.

You might want to direct some of your forgiveness at her.

I’m working on it, John. I’m working on it.

Enough, Grey.

I close the drawer and retrieve the first present I’m going to give Ana this morning. I hope she likes it. Placing the gift on my desk, I check the time. It’s 8:30. Andrea should be at her desk. My wife has decided to stay home, and so will I. Picking up the phone, I press call.

“Good morning, Mr. Grey.”

“Good morning, Andrea. Cancel all my meetings today. I’m taking the day off.”

There’s a slight pause and a small gasp before she replies, “Yes, sir.”

“And don’t call me. At all.”

“Er…sure. I mean, yes.”

I laugh. “Thank you. Tell Ros, too. Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow.”

She laughs. “Will do, Mr. Grey. Enjoy your day.” That’s two of us in a good mood.

Ana is dozing when I bring in her tray—the sheet loosely wrapped around her body, so I’m treated to the spectacular view that is my wife. Her hair is tousled from our earlier lovemaking and spreads across the pillows in a lush sprawl. She has one arm raised over her head, one breast and one shapely leg partly exposed. The morning light caresses her body, as if she’s been captured by a Grand Master himself. A Titian, or a Velázquez maybe.


My goddess.

She’s lost weight since Ted’s birth, and I know she wants to lose more, but to me, she’s as lovely as ever.

The rattle of our coffee cups rouses her, and she rewards me with a breathtaking smile. “Breakfast in bed? You really are spoiling me.”

I place the tray on the bed and take my place beside her.

“A feast!” She claps her hand. “I’m famished!” She tucks into her pancakes and bacon.

“You’ll have to thank Mrs. Jones for this. I can’t take any credit.”

“I will,” she mumbles, mouth full.

We eat in a companionable silence, enjoying the nearness of each other.

It’s a curious feeling.

This utter contentment.

I’ve only ever felt it with Ana.

And I allow myself a moment to reflect on my extraordinary good fortune.

I have a loving, smart, gorgeous wife.

A beautiful son, who is at present being entertained by Hope.

My business is in good hands. All the companies we’ve bought over the past few years are highly profitable. The solar tablet is a huge success, and we’re creating new technology around it, specifically for the developing world.

Sitting here, with my wife, eating pancakes, is about as good as it gets.

Once I finish, I put my plate down. “I have something for you, which I Copyright 2016 - 2024