Freed (Fifty Shades as Told by Christian #3) - E.L. James Page 0,188

Christian, of course I have a love life. I had so much fun in Paris.”


“Yes. There was Victor, Alexandre—”

“There’s a list? Christ. Stop.”

“Don’t be such a prude, Christian,” she scolds.

“Moi?” I place my hands on my chest in feigned outrage.

She laughs.

“So, you think you have a chance with Ethan?” I ask.

“Yes.” She’s definitive, and that’s one of the many things I love about her, her determination and resilience.

“Okay. Good luck with that.” I signal for the check.

“Can we do this again? I miss you.”

“Of course. But right now I have to get back to work for a meeting.”

I’m sitting with Barney and Fred in the lab, examining the latest prototype of the solar tablet—the lighter, simpler, cheaper version for struggling economies in the developing world. This is the part of my job that I love most. Barney is in full flow. “Took eight hours to charge and it’s giving us three days of use.”

“Can we get more?”

“I think we’re at our limit with the battery technology at the moment.” Fred glides his glasses up his nose. “It’s the black-and-white E-ink screen that saves us on power. And it’s more robust.”

“And for the home market?”

“Color touchscreen.” Barney hands me the other prototype.

I weigh it in my hands. “It’s quite a bit heavier.”

“Color screens are.”

“Feels expensive.” I grin.

“We’re only getting four hours from it so far, with eight hours in the sun.”

“Makes sense. But it can be charged conventionally?”

“Yes. Here.” Barney points out the charging port on the bottom of the device. “It’s standard, nonproprietary USB. Saves on landfill.”

“That’s a good marketing angle.” My phone buzzes, and Welch’s name pops up on the screen.

“Guys, I’ve got to get this.” I step away from the workbench and answer. “What gives?”

“He didn’t make bail. No trial set yet.”

“He doesn’t deserve bail. Thanks for letting me know.” I hang up and send a quick e-mail to Ana.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Hyde

Date: September 1 2011 15:24

To: Anastasia Grey


For your information, Hyde has been refused bail and remanded in custody. He’s charged with attempted kidnapping and arson. As yet no date has been set for the trial.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

I turn back to Fred and Barney to continue our discussion of the tablet and next steps.

Back in my office, I notice Ana’s reply to my earlier message.

From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Hyde

Date: September 1 2011 15:53

To: Christian Grey

That’s good news.

Does this mean you’ll lighten up on security?

I really don’t see eye to eye with Prescott.

Ana x

Anastasia Grey

Editor, SIP

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Hyde

Date: September 1 2011 15:59

To: Anastasia Grey

No. Security will remain in place. No arguments.

What’s wrong with Prescott? If you don’t like her, we’ll replace her.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

There’s a knock on the door. I’m expecting Ros for our four o’clock, but it’s Andrea who pops her head around the door. “Mr. Grey, Ros is running late. She’ll be with you in ten minutes. Can I get you anything?”

“I’m good, Andrea, thanks.” She closes the door and I open the revised deal terms for Geolumara. I need to read it through and check that all my suggestions have been incorporated. When I look up, I have a response from Ana.

From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Keep Your Hair On!

Date: September 1 2011 16:03

To: Christian Grey

I was just asking (rolls eyes). And I’ll think about Prescott.

Stow that twitchy palm!

Ana x

Anastasia Grey

Editor, SIP

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Don’t Tempt Me

Date: September 1 2011 16:11

To: Anastasia Grey

I can assure you, Mrs. Grey, that my hair is very firmly attached—has this not been demonstrated often enough by your good self?

My palm, however, is twitching.

I might do something about that tonight.


Christian Grey

Not Bald Yet CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

I send a quick e-mail to Ros to bring signature copies for the Geolumara deal with her, and there’s another e-mail from my wife.

From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Squirm

Date: September 1 2011 16:20

To: Christian Grey

Promises, promises…

Now stop pestering me. I am trying to work. I have an impromptu meeting with an author. Will try not to be distracted by thoughts of you during the meeting.

A x

Anastasia Grey

Editor, SIP

There’s a knock on the door, and this time it’s Ros, twenty minutes late.

“You look well.” Flynn motions me into his office.

“I am, thank you.” I take my usual seat and wait patiently for him to take his. When he’s ready, he gives me his expectant look.

“So, what’s occurring?” he asks.

I fill him in on the week’s events, starting with my rushed flight back from New York. Hiding my amusement, I watch his eyebrows ascend farther up his forehead as my tale unfolds.

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