Free Fall (Wilde Boys #2) - Sara Cate Page 0,50

by her. If she sees us together, sharing a drink, being civil, maybe she’ll come too. Maybe I can mend two broken friendships. Two birds, one stone and all that.

A moment later, just as I suspected, she emerges from the guest house in nothing but her white bikini with a towel draped over her arm. It catches both of our eyes, and neither of us can look away as she saunters toward us. Those long legs of hers carry her with so much grace it’s intoxicating. And that white suit in contrast to her golden skin shining in the setting sun makes her look like a goddess in our presence.

Fuck, I want to make this work with Hanna. And I don’t really care anymore if she’s off-limits or what Zara would say. It’s my turn to be happy.

And what if I stop pushing her away? What if I let her in and give her everything, will she take it? Or will she choose him and fucking crush me? Knowing my luck, she’ll somehow end up choosing my dad too. Fucker.

But as she reaches our table, giving us both a warm smile, creating beautiful dimples in her cheeks, I know it’s worth it. I’ll risk it. I’ll tear my heart out of my chest right now and hand it to her if that’s what she wants. If she’d just choose me.

“Is this dinner?” she asks, pointing to the whiskey.

“It would seem so,” Ellis replies.

“Are you hungry? Let me make you something?” I ask, starting to stand.

Her eyes widen at me, but she puts up a hand before I can dash off to the kitchen. I may not be as good of a cook as my dad, but damn, I can try.

“I’m fine,” she says softly toward me. We’re not screaming at each other, so that’s a start. We just have to keep this up.

“Would you like something to drink?” Ellis asks as his fingers gently run up her arms in an intimate loving gesture, like they’re already committed or some shit. The minute my jealousy wants to rear its ugly head, I take a drink and push it down.

“I think some white wine would be nice,” she says, and Ellis is up before me, jogging off to the house to fetch it for her. If this is going to be some pissing contest for her affection, I’m going to win. I’ve known her longer. When he’s gone, I’ll still be around.

“Going for a swim?”

“Yeah,” she replies with a smile. “It’s beautiful out tonight. I figured I should soak it up while I can.”

My eyes flash up to meet hers. What was that supposed to mean?

“I’m going to head back tomorrow.”

Suddenly it feels like I’m swallowing glass. She’s leaving already. I mean, I guess she’s been here a week, and no one can avoid their life forever, but I’m not ready for this. I don’t like the idea of this island without her already.

“You don’t have to.” It feels pathetic to say, but I’m afraid it’s because of me. I did this. Scared her away.

“I have some things to take care of. Ellis helped me get it started, but I need to do this.” She looks like she’s putting on a brave face, and I think back to that night I picked her up outside the bars, drunk and clearly in some bar fight. I don’t want her going back to that life.

“Anything I can help with?”

“No, Nash. Letting me come here to get away was help enough.”

“I want to help,” I reply, giving her a pleading expression. I want to help. Fuck I want to do everything for her.

“I know you do, but I need to do this part on my own.”

“Okay,” I answer, not knowing what we’re talking about at all, but whatever it is, I’ll do it.

Ellis comes out a moment later with a stemless glass full of white wine, handing it to her with a warm smile. She bathes in his attention as my grip on the glass I’m holding tightens.

“You guys want to swim with me?” she asks playfully, looking at both of us.

“Maybe in a bit,” he replies, taking her towel and draping it across her lounge chair like she can’t do it herself.

Suddenly, I jump up. “I will.”

My reaction was a little bit too fast because the ground starts to tilt a little as soon as I’m on my feet, but I don’t let them see the way the alcohol has affected me so far. Copyright 2016 - 2024