Free Fall (Rocky Mountain Smokejumpers #3) - Ophelia Sexton Page 0,54

is such a raging asshole. But I need to be sure. And I'm sure you feel the same way…this is our abuelita, after all." A thought occurred to him. "Did anything else happen that I need to know about?"

Tina scoffed. "Oh, c'mon Stevie! Like you don't know!"

He could guess. He found himself grinning in the darkness.

She continued, "But if you're gonna play innocent—Aarón had an arranged mating lined up with Maggie Ornelas, from the Idaho Ornelas Clan. They canceled out on him this week. Said that she'd gotten engaged to you, of all people! That has to be some kind of joke, right?"

Wait, what? She can't really be feeling sorry for Aarón, can she?

"Not a joke," Steve said. "In fact, I'm in Bearpaw Ridge right now, at the engagement party that Maggie's family is throwing for us."

"You mean it's true?" Tina sounded shocked. She added, "Why on earth would she pick you…a younger son and dirt-poor—over the heir and the acting CEO of our company?"

His sister's unexpectedly hurtful words hit painful spots deep in his psyche, wounds he had thought long-healed.

He'd spent his childhood and teenage years being compared to Aarón, all of Steve's accomplishments dismissed by his parents and clan elders because he wasn’t the clan’s precious Golden Boy.

And now Tina was taking Aarón's side? Was she really that mad at Steve for filing that objection?

"Because Maggie didn't think Aarón was such a great match," Steve snapped, defensive anger surging through him. "In fact, she hated the idea so much that she asked me to pretend to be her fiancé so that she could get out of the arrangement."

A long silence. Steve cursed himself for his impulsive confession, especially since Maggie had been so insistent that he not tell anyone.

But Tina had always been his ally against Aarón, and she'd suffered just as much, if not more, from their parents' favoritism when it came to their firstborn.

"And you agreed because you wanted revenge against him?"

"Yeah," Steve said. With a spurt of desperation, he added, "Promise that you won't tell anyone, Tina. Please."

She chuckled. "Oh my God, Stevie. And here I thought you were the nice one of the family!" Then she stopped laughing. "But seriously, you need to withdraw your objection to our abuelita's conservatorship. I swear to you that I've watching Aarón like a hawk, and there's no funny business going on with him. Abuelita Delfina is not doing well, and she needs our help."

"I can't," he told her, with a sinking feeling. "Not until the specialist has had a chance to examine Abuelita."

"Stevie, please!" Tina begged. "You have to believe me that she can't live on her own anymore or handle her own affairs. She's…changed. Something is seriously wrong, and we're trying to do our best for her."

"Something just doesn't feel right about this," he insisted. "I know you're doing your best, but I don't trust our brother. Especially with everything he stands to gain."

"Damn you!" Tina said, her tone bitter. "And damn your stupid feud with Aarón! If you don't believe me, why don't you get your ass down to San Diego and see for yourself?"

"I'll be there soon," he told her. "Don't tell anyone about Maggie and me, okay?"

Tina didn't say anything.

"If it makes any difference, I'm courting her for real now," Steve said. "I really do want her as my mate."

"Sure. Whatever you say," Tina said, her tone skeptical. Then she ended the call.

He tried to convince himself that his slip-up wasn't going to hurt anything. After all, he and Tina had always been each other's allies in the fight against their big brother.

Even if she was working with Aarón now, it was only because she was worried about their abuelita. She didn't have any reason to throw Steve under the bus.

God, I'm such an idiot! he berated himself. I only hope I haven't ruined everything.

Chapter 16

Yielding to Temptation

“Is anything wrong? Are you feeling okay?” Maggie asked Steve a few hours later, as they rode the elevator up to their room.

The party had finally ended. It was late, and she was exhausted but aware of a growing feeling of deep relief.

We did it! The charade was almost over. This event had been their final big hurdle to the clan’s acceptance of her fake relationship with Steve.

They still had one full day in Bearpaw Ridge, but tomorrow was going to be pretty low-key. The only thing on their schedule was a small family dinner at her parents' place. Maggie was already looking forward to some Copyright 2016 - 2024