Free Fall (Rocky Mountain Smokejumpers #3) - Ophelia Sexton Page 0,25

he exclaimed.

Aarón can't have her, he thought, anger running like a bright hot thread of lava through his veins. She's mine!

"Yes, and that's why I need your help again, Steve." She reached across the table and touched his hand, sending a pleasant shock zinging along his nerves up his arm. "You see—"

She abruptly withdrew her hand and fell silent as Carla walked up to their table and delivered their drinks, leaving Steve to wonder what Maggie wanted from him this time.

Whatever it was, he was going to say yes. Especially if it involved spending more time together.

The suspense lasted until Carla had taken their dinner orders and collected the menus. Steve requested his usual, the well-seasoned pork carnitas, which were tender and flavorful from long, slow cooking in a mixture of onions, spices, herbs, and citrus juice.

Maggie took Carla's recommendation and ordered the salbutes.

When Carla had departed, Maggie seemed more nervous than ever. She looked down at the table and began fiddling with her silverware in between gulps of her large, bright pink margarita. Finally, Steve couldn't wait any longer.

"Let me guess—you need me to pretend to be your fiancé again," he joked.

Her wide, shocked gaze flew up to meet his. "Um, actually…yeah."

Wait, she'd been nervous about asking him this?

"No problem," he assured her. "It was fun. Do you need me to go out to dinner with your folks and your abuela again? I'm off the jump list for another couple of weeks, so I'm not on call currently, and I’m available any time after my shifts end."

Steve was looking forward to more opportunities to flirt with her and kiss her, all in the name of saving her from an arranged mating with his brother.

Plus, there was the added satisfaction of thwarting Aarón's matrimonial plans. It would be a small but highly satisfying bit of payback for all of the years of bullying that Steve had endured as a kid.

As far as Steve was concerned, there weren't any downsides in helping Maggie out.

But instead of making her less nervous, his agreement had the opposite effect.

"There's, um, a catch," she said, picking up her fork then replacing it on the table. "I need you to come to Bearpaw Ridge with me, weekend after next. For my, um, engagement party."

"We have to go to Idaho? You're kidding, right?"

She took another big gulp from her margarita and shook her head. "I really wish I was. Apparently my Tío Eddy wants us to drop everything and go to Bearpaw Ridge so that he and the other clan elders can meet you and celebrate our impending mating." She gave him a pleading look. "Abuela Inez promised that I wouldn't have to repay that big loan if we went." She paused and took a shaky breath. "Look, I know it's a lot to ask…but since you can't go on any firefighting assignments right now, I was hoping that maybe you'd be available…it would just be for a long weekend." Her voice trailed off and her gaze lowered.

An entire weekend spent in her clan's stronghold, trying to convince them that he and Maggie were a couple?

It sounded challenging but not impossible. And Steve had always enjoyed challenges.

He opened his mouth to accept her offer. Then he realized that this was his big chance.

He leaned forward. "I have a better idea," he said, and reached for her hand. Her fingers were freezing, and not just from the ice in her drink. "How about giving me the chance to court you for real? I'd love to get the chance to know you better. Plus, you wouldn't have to lie to your family about being involved with me."

He drew a slow, sensual circle on her palm with his thumb. Her pulse jumped, and she inhaled sharply.

Yeah, she feels it too, he thought.

When he'd kissed her last night, both times, she'd responded strongly, and her arousal had been as real as his. Their chemistry was fricking amazing.

Their eyes met, and he was convinced that she was going to say yes.

Then she sighed, her expression regretful, and pulled her hand away. "I'm sorry, Steve, but I'm not in the market for a mate…and even if I was, I don't date other shifters. Too much baggage and the family politics…well, you know." She gave him a sad smile. "I'm sure you understand."

Steve suppressed a growl as disappointment tore through him.

Are you Aarón Lopez's brother? He wondered if she would have considered dating him if his asshole brother hadn't made such a bad impression Copyright 2016 - 2024