Free Fall (Rocky Mountain Smokejumpers #3) - Ophelia Sexton Page 0,20

wish she would settle down…before it's too late," Carmina added.

"Mamá!" Maggie's cheeks darkened beneath the smooth layer of makeup. "You're going to scare him away."

"Not a chance," Steve said with deep sincerity. He was pleased to see her blush darken.

For the remainder of the dinner, he tried to learn as much as he could about Maggie by keeping the focus of the conversation on her.

By the time dinner was over, and they were all standing out in the parking lot, some of Maggie's animation had returned.

His rideshare arrived. He bid her parents and Abuela Inez good night in the parking lot, acting the part of a respectable man who wouldn't presume to stay under the same roof with his girl before they were legally wed.

"We hope to see you again soon," Martín told him, clapping him on the shoulder. "Welcome to the family."

Maggie's father seemed like a nice guy, if quiet, and Steve felt the first pang of guilt about fooling him with the fiancé story.

Then Maggie walked him over to the waiting car.

Still acting the part of the smitten girlfriend, she embraced him.

"Thank you so much," she murmured into his ear, too low for her waiting relatives to overhear. "You did a hell of a job tonight. I think they totally bought it."

"I had a great time," he said, and meant it. "Hey, are you free for our dinner tomorrow? There's a place near the smokejumper base called Los Pericos—it's kind of a dive compared to this place—" He jerked his head in the direction of Salt & Bourbon's entrance. "But the food's really good, and so are the drinks."

"Sounds good," she assured him. "But tomorrow won't work for me—I promised my parents and abuela that I would take them to a concert at the Botanic Gardens after Cacao closes at 5:00 p.m."

His disappointment must have shown, because she hastily added, "How about Monday night? I could drive out to the airport and pick you up."

"It's a date," he said, grinning. "My treat, by the way."

"Oh, you don't have to! You've already done enough."

Then, because he could, he bent to kiss her. Just like before, it was burning hot and oh-so-sweet, and best of all, Maggie responded in kind.

He cursed the fact that they had three pairs of judgmental family eyes watching their every move, because he badly wanted to see where the spark that kindled every time they touched might lead.

"See you on Monday," he told her.

Then, regretfully, he climbed into the waiting car and they rolled out of the parking lot.

He couldn't help smiling on the ride back to the smokejumper barracks, because Maggie Ornelas was fucking awesome, and he couldn’t wait to see her again.

Now that I've done her this big favor, maybe she'll give me the chance to date her for real.

Chapter 6


Denver, Colorado

Sunday, September 10

Maggie's day got off to a good start when Cacao Denver opened for its first full day of business at 5:00 a.m. and she discovered a line of eager customers already waiting outside the doors.

It didn't matter that she was dog-tired after a restless night.

After she'd returned to her hotel room, she had tossed and turned for hours, unable to fall asleep when a parade of increasingly dirty fantasies about all the things she'd like to do with Steve Lopez marched through her head and fired up her body.

When he'd drawn her in for that that kiss during their dinner, it had been the perfect touch to convince her parents and abuela that they really were a couple. She hadn't expected her body to explode into heated, aching need that was downright embarrassing.

Lying in bed, she couldn't help remembering every other time he'd touched her yesterday, and the lingering heat he'd kindled. She was looking forward to their dinner date on Monday and fantasized him doing dirty, dirty things to her afterwards, in this very hotel bed.

Stop it, she told herself. I'm just obsessing over him because it's been a long dry spell since Joey and I broke up.

She got out of bed and dug in her carry-on for her vibrator. I don't have time to get involved with anyone right now…and especially not Aarón Lopez's brother.

Besides, she didn't want Abuela Inez to think that her stupid matchmaking scheme with the Lopez clan had worked, even if it wasn't Aarón.

Nope. I just need to keep pretending Steve's my fiancé until Mamá and the others go home. And once I've paid off that loan, I'll inform them that the engagement got Copyright 2016 - 2024