Freak of Nature - By Julia Crane Page 0,55

respond. There were four of them, and she didn’t need her sensors to know they were going to be trouble. She really wasn’t in the mood.

“Cat got your tongue?”

“Why would a cat have my tongue?” She asked innocently even though, thanks to the slang chip, she knew it was yet another human saying that made no sense.

“Comedian. We got a funny girl.” A tall guy with tattoos all over his muscular arms, and neck stepped forward. The leader. His chest was puffed up like a rooster.

“I don’t want any trouble.” Kaitlyn said calmly. In her mind she was going over avenues of attack.

“Well, sweetheart you are on the wrong side of the tracks. Trouble is all you find over here.”

“That’s a shame. You shouldn’t let a train track decide if you are good or bad.”

A couple of the guys laughed in the background.

“Feisty, I like it.”

“What’s your name?” Kaitlyn asked.

“What’s it to you?”

“I’d like to know your name before I kick your ass.”

“You and what army. I’ll tell you what’s going to happen.” He flicked a knife out of his pocket. “I’m going to tear your clothes off, and then make you beg for it. Once I’m done with you, my boys are going to have their turn.”

“I don’t think so.” Kaitlyn, felt her body relax. She welcomed the chance to take out her anger on these jerks. Her mind flashed back to the girl that was raped and the man who caused the end of her life and the start of her new one. As far as she was concerned, the world would be a better place with four less bullies. Someone had to teach them a lesson, and it might as well be her.

The guy licked his lips and took a step forward.

In a blur Kaitlyn slammed her elbow into the crook of his arm. The knife clattered to the ground. Kaitlyn kicked it away. The guy’s eyes widened in surprise. The other three moved forward, but the tough guy waved them away.

“I got this bitch.” He snarled, his eyes flashed with anger.

He lunged forward, and Kate side stepped causing him to loose his footing. Kate took the advantage and slammed the heel of her open palm into his chest as he fell forward. She heard his ribs crack. He fell to the ground coughing blood. The three guys looked at each other.

A stocky bald guy of average height and wide shoulders came forward. She found it funny that they came one at time when they would have had a better chance if all three attacked. Not much of a chance, but still.

Kaitlyn got into position with her legs bent making it easier to pivot and deliver strikes to her opponent. The guy cocked back his arm and threw a wild punch which Kate deflected easily. She sensed the guy on the ground move, but she knew he wasn’t a threat.

Go to your opponent, Frank had told her. Never show fear. Move forward. Don’t hesitate; they wont expect it. The grueling hours of training had paid off. She acted reflexively.

Pivoting on the balls of her feet, Kaitlyn delivered a swift kick to his larynx, crushing his wind pipe. The guy dropped to his knees and grabbed his throat. She advanced towards the last two, but they took off in a sprint. She could chase them down, but she had a train to catch.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Once again, Kaitlyn was on a train headed back in the direction she had come from.

Anger filled her so completely that she couldn’t see past the rage. Lies. She was sick of all the lies. After all IFICS had taken from her, she deserved the truth. The decision had been so easy to make. There was nothing left of her old life but memories. She couldn’t return to her parents and their white house, and Evan had moved on with his life. They could not accept her for the robot she had become. She couldn’t expect them to. If her parents found out what had happened to her. Lucas and the others would all go to jail. She needed to speak to Lucas first. Perhaps someday she would find a way to come back to her parents, but right now it was not the time. Life had moved on when she was gone.

So Kate knew it was time for her to move on, too. She wasn’t sure where she would go or what she would do, but she would start over.

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