Freak of Nature - By Julia Crane Page 0,37

shot each one in the chest. Engagement time: three seconds. She heard a few slang words mumbled as they made their way off the playing grounds.

She repeated the same tactic with Lucas's team, again waiting until the three remaining members were in sight. Right before she fired, a brief thought flashed through her mind: I wonder if Lucas will be upset that I shot him?

Lucas looked up and grinned shaking his head.

Kaitlyn returned the private smile, before she moved onto the next target.

Once everyone was back at the start point, Harrington wrapped up the game. "While I enjoyed that immensely, it's time I get back to the lab. I don't think I'm alone in not wanting to be shot by Kaitlyn anymore?"

Several of the guards looked over at Kaitlyn, nodding in agreement as they murmured their admiration.

Harrington surprised Kaitlyn by draping his arm around her shoulder. “I couldn’t be more proud. You are simply incredible.”

She wasn’t sure why they were so impressed. She was programmed to be this way.

Chapter Seventeen

“Where are we going?” Kaitlyn whispered as they crept past another cluster of brick buildings obscured by darkness.

Quess smiled mysteriously. “You’ll see…”

Kaitlyn had never been to this side of the compound and couldn’t help but wonder what Quess was up to. The young girl had pulled her from her room after dinner and acted like they were stealth bombers sneaking through the compound as they ducked behind walls as employees passed, unaware.

Tomorrow was the big day. Kaitlyn’s ‘unveiling,’ as Harrington liked to call it. As much as she enjoyed spending time with Quess, she was really hoping to see Lucas alone.

Now, outside in the cold, dark evening, they flitted beneath the orange circles of lamplight, Quess encouraging Kaitlyn to move faster.

“Why are we in such a hurry?” Kaitlyn said with a chuckle.

Quess skidded to a stop, gazing up at a large brick building with no visible windows and ignored the question.

“This way.” Quess grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door.

Kaitlyn did a scan of the outside of the building: All clear. The door screeched against the concrete, and then they were inside.

Inside, it appeared to be a large, dimly lit warehouse. Aisles and aisles of metal shelving were filled with food and other supplies, but a thermal scan proved they were alone.

What in the world is Quess up to now?

They zigzagged through the aisles toward the back of the building where a Jeep was parked at the open loading dock, parked halfway into the building. Lucas jumped out of the vehicle and swung the back door open.

Just the sight of him caused a flush to spread across her face as her body temperature climbed several degrees.

“Get in. We don’t have much time.”

Without hesitation, Kaitlyn climbed into the back of the Jeep. Lucas covered her body with a soft blanket. Kate lifted the blanket and peered out.

“What about Quess?”

Quess looked down into the back of the jeep. “I’m just an accomplice this time. Stay safe, Kaitlyn.”

Kate nodded and pulled the blanket back over her head.

“Be still. We just have to make it through the guard gate. If we get caught let me take the blame, don’t harm the guard.” The back door clicked into place and moments later, the engine came to life and they rolled slowly down the road. Kaitlyn’s senses were on high alert, listening for any sign of danger.

Seven minutes later, the Jeep stopped. She could hear the window roll down. “Hey, Matt. Long day?”

“The usual. We’ve been doing random checks of vehicles. Lucky you, you’ve been flagged. Step out for a minute, will you Lucas?”

“Since when?” Lucas asked.

“Started this morning. Hop out, will you?

“”Look, it’s been a long day, man. I just want to get home,” Lucas said smoothly.

Kaitlyn’s breathing remained steady, and her mind raced to figure out the best course of action.

“Out of the car, Lucas.”

The door opened, and there was a thump as Lucas dropped to the ground. “Ridiculous,” he muttered under his breath.

“Pop the hood,” the guard barked, all business.

Kaitlyn heard the thump as the hood opened, and a moment later, Lucas muttered, “Satisfied?”

Kaitlyn tensed, expecting the guard to demand that Lucas open the back door. She had been warned not to harm the guard, so her computer kicked into gear, searching for an alternative.

“Not yet.” The hood slammed shut. “Open the back, and then I’ll do a quick sweep underneath.”

Kaitlyn listened as their foot steps echoing on the concrete. The door swung open. Stillness settled over her. Through the blanket, she Copyright 2016 - 2024