Freak of Nature - By Julia Crane Page 0,22

the ramifications. Maybe he should keep this to himself. Professor Adams would want to remove any emotions, any humanity that Kaitlyn had left. He found himself wondering what her laugh sounded like. What a strange thing to think of at a time like this.

Kaitlyn’s clear voice startled him out of his thoughts. “Do you know where they plan on sending me?”

“No. I just know it will be for a government contract.”

“Will I see you again?”

Taking a deep breath, Lucas’s shoulders slumped. “I hope so. Since we created you and all, I think they’ll need us to stay involved.” He really didn’t believe that to be true, but he wished it were. The thought of never seeing her again…

“I’m going to miss you.” He stiffened, surprised. Had he said that out loud?

“You are?” Kaitlyn asked, staring at him curiously. “As in feeling of loss?”

He laughed. He knew her brain analyzed words and phrases at lightning speed. “Yes, that is exactly what I meant. We’ve spent a lot of time together.”

“Can you really help me to stay here?”

“I can try.”

Chapter Ten

They continued down the path into the woods. Kaitlyn couldn’t believe she was alone with Lucas. How many nights had she lain awake thinking about this moment?

He looked so handsome in the fading sunlight. His coarse dark hair was sticking up in odd directions because he kept running his hand through it. Her sensors told her it was a nervous gesture, and Kaitlyn tried to dig deeper to find out if he was nervous because of her. Her sensors just flashed No further report.

She fought the urge to trace her fingers around the stubble on his usually clean-shaven face and press her body to his. He looked like he hadn’t been sleeping well; today, he had dark circles under his beautiful eyes. She wanted to ask him if something was bothering him, but that was not something a robot would ask. So she continued on in silence.

It was so hard to hold up the facade, being so close and so completely alone with him.

Something inside of her wanted Lucas to know she was more than just a shell of what she used to be. Their time together was quickly coming to an end. Soon she would be sent off to who knew where. The thought of never seeing his face again left a dull ache in her chest.

Maybe she should get a check-up to see if something was wrong with her. Her body felt so different whenever he was around.

“Lucas, do you think I’m pretty?” she blurted out. Where did that come from?

“Excuse me?” His eyes were wide and so blue it was like looking at a cloudless day.

“I asked if you think I am pretty.” The muscles in her stomach clenched. She cautiously maintained her blank expression. She had the sudden strange desire to clear her throat and look at her feet, but she didn’t.

“Kaitlyn, do you really care if I think you’re pretty?” He rubbed the back of his neck and stared intently at her. Curious and confused. The images in her scan told her.

Heat rose to her face. “Never mind. It was a stupid question. I know you think I’m just a machine in a human body.”

“That’s not true,” he said hoarsely.

“Forget I said anything.”

Kaitlyn couldn’t place the sensation that arose within her. Heat filled her face and neck, and she stepped away from Lucas, unable to even look at him. She activated her scanners, searching for what was wrong with her. Was she malfunctioning?

A split-second later, her symptoms came up with a definition: humiliation.

“Kaitlyn.” Lucas reached for her arm.

She took off at a run, her shoes silent on the soft grass. She wanted to get as far away from him as possible. Why would she ask such a ridiculous question? It was absurd.

“Kaitlyn! Wait up!”

She ran harder, faster, her feet pounding into the ground as she tried to put as much distance between them as possible. Trees zipped by her peripheral, and the chill wind whipped against her. The machine analyzed speed, wind direction, and counted the beat per minutes of her artificial heart, and she had no control over it whatsoever.

“Kate, please!” Lucas yelled.

She stopped in her tracks. She turned slowly, sensors working to stabilize her limbs. Lucas was running to catch up, his coat flapping behind him. His heart rate was accelerated and sweat gleamed on his forehead. Strands of his curly dark hair fell down in his left eye as he slowed his pace and Copyright 2016 - 2024