Freak of Nature - By Julia Crane Page 0,18

“It would be much easier if we could get on my computer together.”

“I don’t think that is going to happen. I’m surprised they let you spend as much time as they do with me.”

“Gramps would prefer I don’t see you at all, but Nanny convinced him I need some sort of friend around here, even if it is with a robot.” Quess smiled wryly.

“Thank your Nanny for me.”

“I can’t do that. That would give away our secret.”

Kaitlyn smiled; she really did enjoy the girl’s company. Quess seemed to have that effect on everyone around her. She made it hard for Kaitlyn to keep her all-too-human feelings hidden. She didn’t try very hard around Quess. Being with her she was able to let her guard down. At least briefly.

“So, I think Lucas is totally digging you.”

“Digging me?” Kaitlyn tried to make sense of the phrase. Maybe she really did need a slang chip. She could not think of any way that ‘dig’ would have anything to do with her. Dig: 1. to break up, turn over, or remove earth, sand, etc., as with a shovel, spade, bulldozer, or claw; make an excavation. 2. to make one's way or work by or as by removing or turning over material: to dig through the files. None of those definitions matched the context.

“Yeah, did you see his face when he walked in and saw you last night? He totally wants you.”

Kaitlyn had no idea how to respond. “I don’t understand what you are saying.”

“It means he likes you. He totally has the hots for you.”

Kaitlyn’s body felt hyper aware, her senses tingling. “You really think so?” Perhaps, Lucas thought of tearing off her clothes like she did his. Somehow she highly doubt it though. The odd were not in her favor. After all she wasn’t even really human anymore.

“Definitely, it was written all over his face. Thankfully, Gramps is oblivious, but even Nanny noticed he’s crushing on you. She thinks you two would make a cute couple.”

Kaitlyn hadn’t noticed anything on his face. Perhaps Quess was imagining things. She did seem to have an overactive imagination—one of the reasons Kaitlyn enjoyed the girl’s company so much. It was nice to see things through her human eyes.

“Aren’t you at least a little excited?”

“About what?” Kaitlyn asked confused.

“Lucas! He likes you. You’re obviously interested in him or you wouldn’t have asked.”

“Oh. I don’t really know what to think about that.”

Quess sighed. “I wish you felt things like a normal person.”

“Me, too.” Kaitlyn said softly.

“So what are you going to do if we find the mystery man?” Quess asked curiously.

Kaitlyn hadn’t thought that far ahead. But really, what could she do? Show up on his door step and say Remember me? That probably wouldn’t go over well. “Maybe we should stop the search.”

“What? Are you kidding me? No way. I need something to keep me busy at night. I’m going to find him, plus it will help sharpen my secret spy skills. You know…just in case.”

“I guess that’s true,” Kaitlyn agreed.

After they made their loop around the grounds, Kaitlyn sighed. “We need to get back to the lab. Professor Adams says this new update is important.”

“I don’t know how you put up with them always changing you.” Quess turned and they headed back towards the laboratory.

“It’s annoying, but I know that’s what I’m here for.”

“I wish they would just leave you alone. It’s not fair.” Tears welled up in Quess’s eyes, making them look more green than hazel.

Kaitlyn felt a lump form in her throat, but she wasn’t sure why. “It’s okay, Quess. I don’t mind.”

“But you should.” She balled her small fists up by her sides. Her pale face was bright pink, and a teardrop escaped, trailing down her cheek. “You should have a normal life. Not caged away like some animal. You can’t even comprehend how wrong this is, that’s the worst part.”

Kaitlyn watched the young girl swipe tears away, and wondered what it felt like to cry. She hoped it wasn’t painful for her friend.

“Does this hurt?” Kaitlyn touched the liquid seeping down Quess’s cheek.

Quess giggled. “Crying?”

Kaitlyn inclined her head. “Yes.”

“No. Crying doesn’t hurt.” Quess sobered, using the sleeve of her cardigan to wipe away her tears. She reached for Kaitlyn’s hand and took hold, bringing her hand to her chest. Reflexively Kaitlyn tried to pull her hand from Quess grasp. But Quess just held on tighter. Kaitlyn’s hand relaxed.

Beneath Kaitlyn’s palm, she felt the sensation of Quess’s human heart beating slowly and consistently.

Quess Copyright 2016 - 2024