Into the Fray (Daring Escapes #3) - Margaret Daley Page 0,52

if someone else arrived. He had to focus totally on Juan and Ramon and was thankful that Tory realized that. He couldn’t let anything happen to her. He couldn’t go through another loss. The second he thought that, he came to a halt. His heart thudded against his ribcage. He had no place for a woman in his life. He’d made a promise to himself to never fall in love again. With the loss of his wife and unborn child, his heart had bled too much to love anyone else.

And yet, a picture of Tory popped into his thoughts. Her smile filled his mind. He shook his head and focused on the situation he was about to interrupt. He approached the room Juan was in and paused at the doorway to listen to what was being said. All he could hear were low murmurs. He still wasn’t sure if Juan might be involved. Guerrero couldn’t imagine his friend taking part in a smuggling ring, but he had always been cautious in trusting another. Too many times in his law enforcement career, he’d struggled with believing in the goodness of people. Anna had shown him how to trust others—until she was killed.

He peered around the corner of the doorjamb. Ramon’s back was to Guerrero, and Juan’s attention was riveted on the archaeologist.

Trust in Me.

Those three words from the Lord made him pause for a second. Then Guerrero went into action as though he wore an armor of righteousness. He wasn’t alone in this battle.

He stepped into the doorway, pointing his gun toward Ramon while quietly cutting the distance between them. Juan blinked once but that was all as Guerrero neared the two. He quickly holstered his weapon then with lightning speed gripped Ramon against his front, forcing his arms downward. That was when he saw a gun in Ramon’s hand that had been pointed toward Juan. Ramon’s pistol was now aimed at the floor and ineffective unless he wanted to shoot his own foot.

Juan quickly backed away from them. “I’ve been praying you’d show up.”

“Do you have any duct tape?”


Relieved that Juan hadn’t been working with Ramon, Guerrero tightened his grip around the man. “Juan, take his gun. Then go get the tape. I came to let you know what’s happened at the site.”

Juan did as Guerrero said. While his friend was gone, Guerrero intended to get information from Ramon. Guerrero squeezed the man even more. “This is for Aapo and Fabio. I know you murdered them, and as much as I would like to avenge their deaths, I’ll make sure you end up in prison for the rest of your life, not executed—if you’ll tell me who is really behind the raid on the Temple of the Stars.”

“They’ll kill me.”

“And if you don’t tell me, I will.” He toughened the tone of his voice, hoping Ramon would believe him. As much as he wanted to seek justice, he would do it the right way. “Were you involved in the break-in of the national museum three years ago when my wife was murdered?”

“They will kill my family too.” Ramon began thrashing from side to side, trying to free himself as he battered Guerrero with his head. He allowed Ramon to exhaust himself as much as possible. Guerrero was bigger and more muscular than Ramon.

Juan reentered the living room as energy began to drain from the archaeologist. Guerrero lifted Ramon a few inches from the floor and in a quick movement, flipped him over. While Guerrero immobilized Ramon’s arms, Juan quickly tore off duct tape long enough to wrap several times around Ramon’s wrists. Then Guerrero took care of securing Ramon’s legs.

Guerrero rose and stood next to Juan, his face pale. “Are you all right?”

“Yes.” His voice quivered. “You left a message on my phone that you would be coming later to see me. I’m thankful you got here earlier. What do we do with him?”

Guerrero walked toward the front entrance, glad to know his friend hadn’t been involved in the raid. “Keep him here. I have a few places I need to check. If he decides to talk, call me.”

“I have a two o’clock meeting with Senor Sauto. I have to make it.”

Guerrero glanced at his watch. “I’ll be back before that.”

“Where’s Tory?”

“Outside.” Guerrero headed for the front door and opened it.

She barged inside. “It’s about time. Did Ramon say anything?”

Juan joined them in the entry hall.

“Not to me. Juan, why did Ramon come to see you?” Guerrero asked.

“About twenty minutes Copyright 2016 - 2024