Into the Fray (Daring Escapes #3) - Margaret Daley Page 0,47

into government. I told him no. At least, I wasn’t going to do it his way. I wanted to help people and protect them. I started out as a police officer then became a DEA agent.”

“I couldn’t wait to graduate from high school. Then I left and worked two jobs to save money to go to the university. I refused to take a penny from him to pay for my tuition. I needed to prove I could do it on my own.”

“What made you become an archaeologist?”

“History fascinates me. I wanted to know more and more of what drove the people in the past. You learn a lot studying the past. What you should avoid. What you should explore and do.”

Guerrero came to an abrupt halt, stepping in front of Tory while he lifted his gun. She peered around him and spied a man step from behind a boulder with a rifle.

“Gabor has been expecting you,” the guard said.

“Are he and the others from the village in the cave?” Guerrero holstered his pistol.

“Everyone is safe. Did you bring the bodies of Aapo and Fabio?”

“They’re between Aapo and Gabor’s homes.”

“Good. Come.” The man with the rifle dropped ropes and gloves at Guerrero’s feet, pivoted, and started up the mountain.

“This part of the journey is treacherous, especially in the dark. Follow what I do and say.”

“Should we wait until morning?” Tory assessed the façade of the mountain that sloped upward at an eighty-degree angle.

“Follow where I put my hands as we scaled the peak.” After putting a rope around her waist, he hooked it to him. Then he put on the gloves with a strip of glowing fabric, which would show where he placed his hands. When he moved his foot, he motioned that she should follow in his steps.

Halfway up the side, Tory paused a moment, sweat dripping into her eyes. She used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe it away. “Where’s our escort?”

“Waiting for us at the top.”

“That was fast.”

“He’s used to the trail up to the cave.”

“Now I understand why you left the mules at the village. I can’t see how they would have made it.” She wasn’t even sure she would. “We should have waited for daylight.”

“I wouldn’t have brought you if I thought you couldn’t make it. Time is crucial. I have a feeling whoever raided the dig site found something in the room where you were working. They didn’t care about preserving the scene while removing at least one artifact. Possibly two or more.”

“If that’s what happened they’re probably made of gold.”

“Yes, and if we don’t act fast, it will be gone from Puerto Sierra. We’ve got to find out whatever we can from the Mayans that fled the scene. We don’t have much further to go.”

What little she could make out of the top ledge, Tory didn’t think it was near. But instead of concentrating on the end of her climb, she focused on the next handhold she needed to get her closer to her destination.

By the time she neared the top, every muscle in her body screamed. How in the world was she going to make it back down?

When Guerrero offered her his hand, she clasped it, and effortlessly he lifted her up onto the ledge. She stood, her legs quivering with exhaustion. “I hope there’s a faster way down.”

“There is. We’ll rappel down first thing in the morning.”

“I’ve never done that.”

“I’ll be with you. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.”

Lord, the only thing I can do is put my life in Your hands. I’m determined not to worry about how I get down from this mountain. It’s a wasted reaction. I’m putting my trust in You.

* * *

Guerrero, with Tory next to him, sat in a circle deep inside the cave where the torch light wouldn’t be seen from anyone searching for their location. Gabor gave them a plate of food as well as a jug of water to share between him and Tory.

“Where is the rest of the village?” Guerrero asked as he finished the delicious food, especially the bread made from corn.

“They are hidden near the town. Safe from intruders. Since the soldiers came to the dig site, we will return to the village tomorrow. I doubt the guys who killed Aapo and Fabio stuck around.”

Now that Guerrero was sated, he relaxed back against the stone wall. “What happened?” he asked one of the guards from the archaeological excavation.

Sitting across from Guerrero, Aidan frowned, his thick eyebrows slashing downward. “I was Copyright 2016 - 2024