Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,69

me. I realize this is short notice, and that’s why I wanted to reach out to you personally. The animal nutritionist position has just opened back up, and we’d like to offer it to you, if you are still available.”

I don’t reply as I roll this information over in my mind.

“I was told you’d chosen someone else,” I say in answer.

“The board did, yes. They decided to go with a grad student, but the applicant reached out to us a couple of days ago and rescinded his acceptance. You were always my first choice, so I called you as soon as I was notified. I’d love to have you on my staff.”

This is amazing. It’s what I’ve wanted all along. So, why do I feel like crying?

“Bellamy? Are you still there?”

“Yes, I’m sorry. When would you need me in Denver?” I ask.

“I had hoped to have someone here by the end of August, but since that is days away, I’m hoping you can start by mid-September. Can you have your affairs in order and get moved by then?” he asks.

Yes! I scream at myself internally to respond.

“Do you need an answer right this minute? Because I’d like to talk to my family first, if that’s okay,” I ask instead.

“Of course. I know I sprang this on you. I’ll have my secretary email you over the job offer with all the specifics. Take the weekend to look over the paperwork and let me know your decision by Monday.”

“I’ll do that. And, Dr. Singh? Thank you for believing in me,” I say before I hang up.

This is unexpected. I should be elated, but I’m not.

I send Elle a text, telling her I need a bestie night with her and Sonia, stat.


Elle and Sonia are at my doorstep within the hour.

I tell them about Brandt avoiding me and about my phone call with Dr. Singh.

After a couple of mugs of cocoa with extra marshmallows, we decide that I should talk to Brandt and find out why he suddenly went radio silent before I make any decision regarding Denver.

“Tackle one issue at a time. Then, you’ll have all the facts before you make any life-altering plans. Either way, you know we have your back,” Sonia encourages.

“Do you want me to call Brandt? He might confide in me,” Elle asks.

“No, I appreciate the offer, but I’m a big girl, and I can talk to him myself. It’s not like we had any commitment to each other or anything. We were growing closer. At least, I thought we were. I just don’t know what happened for him to do a one-eighty like that, and to be honest, I didn’t realize how I’d been growing attached to him until he disappeared from my life,” I tell them.

“Whatever it is, I think he’ll come around. You know I adore him, but he was so closed off. He is different with you. It’s like you opened a jar that was shut too tightly. We all tried to open it, but all we could do was wiggle it loose a little. You came along and twisted it right off.”

“Well, I think someone has screwed it back on,” I tell her.

“Just give him a chance to explain,” she says

Elle makes me reach out to him before they leave.

I call his phone and leave him a message. “Hi, it’s Bellamy. I know you’re busy, but I really would like to see you. Have a conversation about us at least. You know, like grown-ups or something. Please call or text me when you get this.”

He doesn’t get back to me until hours later, and when he does, it’s a text.

I’ll be escorting Mom to the party tomorrow night. Are you available afterward? We could come back to the clinic and chat.

Back to the clinic and chat?

I guess if that is the best I’m going to get, I’ll take it, so I’ll get the chance to tell him to his face exactly what a jerk he is.

Works for me.

I send the reply and throw my phone on the nightstand.

Men think we are the frustrating ones. At this point, I’m thinking a nunnery is a good career choice.

“Where are you?” Elle asks over the line as I make my way to Rustic Peak the next day.

“I’m about a half-mile away,” I tell her.

“Hurry, please. Aunt Doe is a wreck. I think she is cracking under the pressure,” she whispers into the phone.

“I’ll be there in five.”

“Okay, bye.”

The line goes dead, and I press the gas Copyright 2016 - 2024