Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,61

the same time, but once I get the hang of the drill and overcome my nerves at letting go of the ladder and extending my reach, it isn’t so bad. Payne and I rotate, hanging and holding the rest of the sections until the entire front and right side of the roof is done. Walker and Foster have been tackling the back and left side. They beat us by a good twenty minutes, but we still make good time for being the team with a rookie member.

“Impressive, Doc. You are strong as an ox under those scrubs. Hanging gutters is not for sissies,” Payne acknowledges.

“I appreciate your patience with teaching me. I want to learn everything I can.” I thank him.

“Stick around. With everyone getting married and having babies, we tend to do a lot of construction nowadays. You’ll be a pro in no time.”

“Thank you, baby,” Walker says as he takes the cooler from Elle.

He opens the top and tosses Payne and me a cold beer.

Braxton headed home to his wife an hour ago, and Jefferson and Emmett were right behind him.

“Are we back tomorrow night?” Payne asks.

“Nah, they are calling for storms tomorrow. I’ll be at Rustic Peak late, helping to keep an eye on the fences and trees. We’ll call it a week. I’m having the sealant put down on the concrete floors Thursday, and that needs time to dry and set,” Walker explains.

“That means, you’re free Friday, right, babe?” Elle asks.

“Yes, ma’am. I’m all yours.”

“Excellent. Bells and I want to go hike at Hickory Nut Gorge,” she requests.

“We can do that,” he agrees.

“We? I hope you aren’t including me in that we. My hiking days are behind me,” Payne states.

“Since when? We always have a blast while hiking,” Elle asks.

“Since I almost broke my tailbone that last hike,” he reminds her.

“That shit was funny as hell,” Walker goads.

“It wasn’t funny to Dad when I couldn’t run a tractor for five weeks because of a chipped coccyx,” Payne complains.

“Damn, brother, I didn’t know you’d hurt your manhood. Hope it healed okay. Of course, the ladies appreciate a bit of crooked—” Walker interrupts.

“Coccyx, jackass. Not cock. My manhood is just fine, thank you.”

“If you say so.” Walker shifts his focus to me. “What about you, Doc? Don’t leave me hiking with two females alone. If anything happens, I can’t carry them both out. I’ll have to sacrifice one. You don’t want that on your conscience, do you?” he asks.

“Um …”

“Jeez, will you stop?” Elle hits him in the chest. “If you want a buddy to come out and play with you, ask nicely. Besides, I’m planning to ask Sonia if she and Ricky want to join us when I stop into her mom’s shop to check on the poodle skirts for Aunt Doe’s party.”

“Noooo,” Walker whines.

“Yes,” she insists.

“Doc, would you enjoy an evening of friendly companionship while engaging in physical activity that is good for your health but potentially dangerous to your coccyx, pretty please?” He bats his eyelashes at me and waits for an answer.


“Yes! Thank you.” He does a fist pump.

Payne snickers. “I’m almost compelled to put my manhood in jeopardy to watch Ricky make Walk’s head explode.”

“It’s a strong possibility,” Walker agrees.

“If you do anything that causes Sonia any grief, your manhood will be the one in jeopardy,” Elle dares.

Walker’s hands protectively cover his lap. “You’re a mean woman,” he accuses.

“I can be, or if you are a nice boy, I can be a very, very good woman.” She grins at him coyly.

“See what I’m talking about, Doc? Sexual persuasion. She uses it as a weapon, and I fold like a cheap suit. Every damn time.”

Elle winks at me, and Payne bursts into laughter.


Elle meets me at the clinic after closing, and we walk down to Sonia’s mom, Kathy’s shop. She is an excellent seamstress, and she does most of the alterations and embroidery for Poplar Falls. She owned a small fabric and craft store uptown, but this past spring, she rebranded the space and opened a new consignment shop for both vintage clothing and furniture. She gives them a face-lift before adding them to the racks or show floor. The shop is aptly called Plum Nearly New. It’s wicked cool. I’ve found so many unique additions to my wardrobe there.

The shop is closed, so we tap on the window and get Kathy’s attention. She comes up and unlocks the dead bolt to let us in.

“Hey, girls,” she greets us with a hug. “Sonia will Copyright 2016 - 2024