Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,6

and Walker and Jefferson head our way.

Walker picks Elle up off her feet, and she squirms in his grasp.

“Yuck, you’re all sweaty,” she complains.

He releases her. “That’s because we worked our asses off today. Now, I’m hungry. Where are those fancy sandwiches and cakes?” he asks as he looks around, and his eyes land on Dallas. “Did you eat them all?”

She scowls at him. “No, I did not, asshat,” she spits at him.

He throws his hands in the air. “All right, it’s nothing to get so blowed up about,” he says, and Jefferson can’t help but burst into laughter.

Dallas throws a punch into Walker’s ribs.

“Ow, you’re so sensitive,” he complains as he rubs his side.

“Never mess with a pregnant woman past her due date,” Dallas warns.

“How overdue are you, dear?” Aunt Ria asks.

“Four days. The doctor says if I don’t go into labor by the weekend, he is going to induce me on Monday morning,” Dallas informs us.

“I can’t believe it’s time already,” I squeal.

I’m so looking forward to being an aunt. Our whole family has been bubbling with excitement awaiting our newest member’s arrival.

Dallas cradles her stomach. “I know. I can’t wait to meet him or her either even if I do feel like a whale that has to pee every five minutes. Speaking of, I’ll be right back,” she says as she waddles off in the direction of the house.

She almost makes it to the back door when she stops and turns around.

“Bellamy!” she yells as she looks down.

She is standing in a puddle.

“Whoa. Couldn’t hold it, huh?” Walker shouts back.

“Oh, that’s not what that is,” Doreen says before turning and calling for Braxton and pointing to Dallas.

Braxton looks that direction and starts running toward her, as do I.

Walker looks confused for a second, and then he falls in beside me.

“Call Myer,” I tell him, and he snatches his phone from his pocket.

I skid to a stop in front of her, and she is looking down at the mess.

“My water broke,” she says shakily.

Braxton gets to us, takes one look at Dallas, and says, “I’ll get my truck.”

He heads to the driveway.

“I’ve got Myer,” Walker says as he waves his phone in the air.

“Tell him Dallas is in labor and to meet us at the hospital. And tell him to stop and grab her bags,” I instruct.

“He doesn’t have to stop. We’ll do that,” Charlotte says as she and Sophie make it to us.

“Beau?” Dallas says as she looks to Sophie.

“We’ve got him too. We’ll stop and get your stuff and be right behind you guys,” Sophie assures her.

“I’m sorry I ruined your shower,” Dallas whispers.

“Ruin? Are you kidding me? It’s the perfect ending! You saved the best gift for last,” Sophie squeals as Braxton arrives, pulling his truck to a stop right in front of us.

“Come on. Let’s go have a baby,” I say as I open the truck door, and Walker gently helps Dallas up into the passenger seat.

I close her in.

“I’ll be right behind you in my car,” I tell her before they peel out.

Cheers and whistles go up as I walk around the side of the house and watch the truck pull out of the gate.

I turn to look at everyone. They all have tears in their eyes.

“Let’s go have a niece or nephew!”


Dallas’s parents and her brother, Payne, are at the hospital when we arrive.

Her mother follows her into the delivery room while her daddy, Payne, Braxton, and I set up in the waiting room across the hall.

Ten minutes later, I peek my head out the door and see my brother frantically making his way down the hall, headed for the nurses’ station.

I step out to greet him.

“Where is she?” A breathless Myer skids to a stop in front of me with Momma and Pop in tow.

“In room 314. Relax. You have time.”

“Thanks for getting her here safely,” he says before he takes off toward the rooms.

“Dottie is already in there, and she wants you in there too,” Mr. Henderson, who has walked up behind me, tells Momma.

Tears immediately fill her eyes, and she nods, hands her bag off to our dad and follows Myer.

I loop my arm through his as he watches Myer and Momma disappear into Dallas’s room.

“Come on, Gramps. Let’s go wait,” I tell him, and his wet eyes are smiling as he lets me lead him into the waiting room.

One by one, our friends trickle in, and before you know it, the waiting room is running over with Dallas Copyright 2016 - 2024