Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,46


“Not normally, but if anyone can inspire one from him, it’s Walker.”

“Seven tonight, Doc. Don’t forget. And come hungry. I’m throwing burgers on the grill,” Walker yells as he hops in his truck and backs out.

“It’s official. They’ve claimed you now,” Bellamy says as we watch him drive out of sight.

“Claimed me?”

“Yep. They don’t let too many newcomers in. I guess you passed the test,” she teases as she walks backward toward the truck, wearing a grin.

“I’m honored,” I call after her.

They’ve claimed me.


I had no idea how hard Brandt actually worked.

I saw Dr. Sherrill out on the ranch my entire life, but he was just a grandfatherly figure who came out every now and again, checking an infected hoof or assisting in a struggling birth or spending branding day, vaccinating calves. He was in and out. I never accounted for the fact that Stoney Ridge was just one of the dozens of ranches in and around Poplar Falls. Then, there were countless farms and dairies. I never saw the endless stream of pet owners coming to the clinic or the late-night calls because of an injured animal or predator attack. I wasn’t aware of Saturday morning emergency parasite treatments for a large herd. He is literally on call twenty-four seven. He definitely needs full-time help and not just from Miss Elaine.

It takes hours to finish up at Golden Mountain Dairy Farm. Brandt administers the medication after I calculate the dose based on each goat’s weight. It is time-consuming, but when we are done and Brandt has me write up an invoice for him without adding time and a half for the weekend call, the relief on Mr. Franklin’s face is priceless. He gives me a tight hug, and he shakes Brandt’s hand and thanks him profusely. Gratitude and respect are written all over him as we say our good-byes.

I watch him as we pull out of the gate.

“You’re a good man, Brandt Haralson.”

He looks over at me. “Just doing my job.”

I shake my head at him. “No, you did him a huge favor, and you didn’t have to. He looked worried, and you helped him out.”

He looks straight ahead as he explains, “It’s the best thing about moving here from the city. Having my own practice gives me the ability to discern and read every situation. My office in Portland was owned by a medical conglomerate, and they were all about the bottom line. I got into this profession because I love animals and I want to help them. Turns out, I love people just as much, and I want to help them as well. My hands were tied before, and I watched humans go into debt, making sure their fur babies got the treatment they needed. It didn’t have to be that way. Now, I can make that call.”

He takes a deep breath and continues, “It’s one of the reasons I haven’t hired another staff member yet. I want to keep us out of the red, so I can keep my fees low for the struggling ranches and farms in Poplar Falls.”

I reach over and take his hand. “Well, you don’t have to pay me for today.”

“That’s not what I was saying, Bellamy. I’m going to pay you for your work.”

“I know it wasn’t, but I agree with you, and if you can work for free on a Saturday, so can I.”

He shakes his head.

“I mean it, and I don’t want any argument from you. However, you can buy me lunch, and we’ll call it even. Deal?”

I can tell he doesn’t like it, but he has the sense to know I am equally as stubborn and that he might as well give in.

“Yes, ma’am. Lunch it is.”

We stop and eat on our way back to town. Neither of us brings up last night as we eat, but there is also no awkwardness between us. We fall into an easy conversation, and I tell him all about the ruse we are playing on Doreen in order to pull off the surprise. He fills me in on his telephone call with Miss Elaine and about her adventures in Oregon.

Before we know it, we’ve been sitting for hours, just talking.

“Yikes, Dallas is expecting me soon,” I say as I look at my phone.

“I didn’t mean to keep you so long. I can’t believe the time,” he muses.

“That’s because I’m such great company,” I tease.

“That has to be it,” he agrees. “Tell you what. Why don’t we swing by my place so Copyright 2016 - 2024