Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,29

in the cab, and I step out and make my way to Bellamy.

“Your feast, good sir,” she says as she gestures to the sandwich and chips.

My stomach growls, and she smiles up at me.

“Ah, looks like we’re just in time.”

I sit beside her, and she extends a sandwich in my direction.

“Chicken salad. It’s Dottie’s specialty.”

I lean in and take a huge bite of the offered food.

She raises an eyebrow and waits.

“Mmm, that’s good,” I say, and I take another bite before she has a chance to pull it back.

“Told you so,” she brags.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” she says as she takes a bite herself.

“Are you more upset over losing the job or the boyfriend?”

She thinks for a moment while she chews.

“The job,” she admits.

I smile at her. “Good.”

“Why is that?” she asks.

“Because broken plans are a lot easier to recover from than a broken heart.”

Her eyes meet mine, and understanding passes between us. Or maybe it’s just my imagination.

“Today was fun. You know, I really would love to help you work on this house. I mean, I can’t build walls or anything, but I can sand floors, and I’m pretty good with a paintbrush. And it just so happens that I have a lot of free time on my hands all of a sudden.” She looks at me with hope-filled eyes.

“I’m not about to turn down an offer for free labor, although I doubt you’ll be able to top your talent with a crowbar, Miss Wilson.”

“You just wait,” she says before she pops a chip in her mouth. “I have talent you haven’t even begun to tap into yet, Doc.”

Oh, I have no doubt.


“Thank you, Bellamy,” Mr. Hinson says as I hand him his receipt.

“You’re welcome. And remember, Odie needs to wear that cone until you bring him back to have those sutures removed,” I instruct.

“He’s going to hate that.”

“I know, but you have to be strong,” I tell him.

The bell rings, and I look past the two to see Elle breeze in.

“Hi, Bells, Mr. Hinson,” she greets.

“Elle, how are you, gorgeous?” Mr. Hinson asks.

He’s always been an old flirt.

“I’m great. How about you?” she asks.

“Growing old. Trying to stay spry,” he says and gives her a gap-toothed smile.

“Oh, fiddlesticks. You’re only old when it suits you,” I tease him.

“When it gets me a little extra love from a pretty girl,” he admits.

She obliges and kisses his cheek.

“Aw, what happened to Odie?” Elle asks him.

“He got after the chickens again. They lit him up.” He laughs.

We hear a horn honk outside, and he grumbles.

“I’d best get going. Sounds like the old lady is getting impatient.”

He walks out, and Elle turns to me. I look at the clock, and it says ten past noon.

“You’re just in time. I’m starving. Let me grab my purse,” I tell her.

“Um, I’m sorry, Bells, but I already have lunch plans,” she says.

I look up, confused.

“Oh. Why’d you swing by, then?” I ask.

“I have a lunch date with Brandt. I’m just here to meet him.”

That gets my attention. I stand and face her.

“A lunch date with Brandt?” I ask.

“Yep,” she confirms just as Brandt walks in from the back of the office.

“I thought I heard your voice. Give me just a minute, and I’ll be ready,” he tells her, and she nods.

He smiles at us both before walking back to his office.

“So, where are you two going?” I ask casually.

“I’m not sure where he’s taking me. Probably over to the café. It’s chili day, and he is a creature of habit,” she says.

“Do you guys have lunch together often?”

“Every now and then. Why?”

“Walker okay with that?” I ask curiously, and she smiles.

“Walker doesn’t have a problem with Brandt. He knows we’re friends.”

That surprises me. Elle and Brandt dated briefly last year before she and Walker realized they had feelings for each other.

“If you say so,” I mumble. “See you later. Enjoy lunch.”

I throw my purse over my shoulder and make for the door. She steps in front of me.

“Just a minute. What was that all about?” She raises an eyebrow at me in question.

“Nothing. Walker just seems like the jealous type, so it surprises me that you and Brandt have lunch together; that’s all. But if it’s not an issue, then it’s not an issue.”

“Uh-huh,” she says, unconvinced.

“I’m serious. I was just looking out for you.”

“Walker knows I’m not going anywhere. His ring is on my finger, and for some reason, I’m crazy about the man. Brandt and I are friends. Walker doesn’t dictate my Copyright 2016 - 2024