Fragile Hearts (Poplar Falls #4) - Amber Kelly Page 0,22

the street on who would have the best manicured lawn. He won, but I gave it my all, and I enjoyed getting my hands in the dirt.

Yesterday I dropped a small fortune on tools at the hardware store and then proceeded to spend the next few hours watching YouTube videos on how to demo a kitchen and how to lay new hardwood floors. They made it look so easy. How hard can it be?


I arrive early for my first day of work at the clinic. I wasn’t exactly sure how to dress, so I decided on a pair of wide-leg soft-gray linen dress pants, an off-the-shoulder white drop blouse with a darker gray satin ribbon across the top, and a pair of pencil-strap black stilettos. I let my hair fall in beach waves and did my makeup for the first time this summer. I assess my reflection in the glass door before I enter, and I like the look. As much as I enjoy the laid-back, natural lifestyle on the ranch, every woman loves a reason to get gussied up from time to time.

The bell above the door chimes as I enter the front office.

I drop my purse behind the sleek black desk and head down the hallway to start the coffeepot.

As I turn the corner to the small break room, a door opens. Dr. Haralson steps out in my path, and we collide.

“Whoa,” he says as he clutches my bare shoulder to steady me as I lose my balance.

“Sorry,” I offer. “I guess I’m out of practice, walking in heels.”

He looks down at my feet and then slowly raises his gaze back up my body.

“You look very nice,” he chokes out.

“I bet I smell better than I did, covered in horse afterbirth too,” I tease.

He leans in and inhales deeply.

“So much better,” he agrees.

When he lets me go, I walk into the break room, and he follows with Lou-Lou on his heels.

“Is there anything you need me to do at the moment? I was about to start the coffee and then take a look at the schedule for today.”

“Could you call out to Rustic Peak and ask Braxton if we can reschedule my visit this afternoon for some time next week? I have a load of lumber being dropped off at my house, and I’d like to be there, if at all possible,” he says as he opens the cabinet above the sink and hands me a bag of ground coffee.

I wrinkle my nose at the offered sack.

“What?” he asks.

“You drink that stuff?”

He looks down at the bag in his hand, confused. “Yes.”

“Gross. I’ll pop into Dallas’s shop and grab us a couple of to-go cups, and then at lunch, I’ll walk down to the market and get some quality coffee to brew for tomorrow.”

“Seriously? You can make this for me and get something else for yourself, if you’d like,” he says as he tries to hand it over.

“No way. You’re not drinking that either. Now, go to your office and do whatever you need to get ready for the day, and I’ll be back before we open.”

I shoo him toward the door, and he shakes his head like I’m crazy.

“All right, I know better than to argue with a woman.” He gives in.

“Smart man,” I call after him.

I hear a yap and look down to see Lou-Lou watching me with anticipation.

“Come on, girl, let’s go for a walk and get Doc some decent java to kick-start his day.”

When we make it over to Bountiful Harvest, Doreen is sitting at a table, chatting with Dottie, who is icing cupcakes behind the counter.

“Good morning, ladies,” I greet as Lou-Lou noses past me and bounces over to sit in front of the counter awaiting one of the treats Dottie always keeps for the fur babies that come in with her customers.

“Bellamy, don’t you look spiffy this morning?” Doreen says, and I do a turn.

“Why, thank you, ma’am,” I say while doing a little curtsy.

“What’s the occasion?” she asks.

“I’m filling in for Miss Elaine over at the vet clinic for a couple of weeks while she visits with her grandchildren. I just wanted to look professional,” I explain.

She gives me a conspiratorial look. “That Dr. Brandt isn’t hard on the eyes, is he?”

“He sure isn’t, but this is a strictly professional relationship,” I say pointedly.

“You never know. Love grows in unexpected places,” she says more to herself than to me.

“No, I do know. According to Elle, Doc prefers his single status, and Copyright 2016 - 2024