Four Weddings and a Swamp Boat Tour - Erin Nicholas Page 0,46

She opened the door at the back of the restaurant. It opened into a little greenhouse.

Actually, it wasn’t all that little. It was the size of the kitchen and was filled with plants. They sat on shelves made of concrete blocks and wooden planks and hung in planters overhead.

“You grow all your own stuff?” Paige asked.

“Most of it.”

“Wow.” Paige stepped out into the greenhouse. “This is…” She just paused and took a deep breath, drawing in the multiple scents and feelings. Yes, she got feelings from being amongst the plants and herbs.

“Mitch helps me take care of it all.”

Paige turned back. “Really?”

“He’s got a wonderful green thumb.”

“I noticed a lot of plants on his porch.”

Cora nodded. “He’s always loved plants. He’s really enjoying the landscaping around the new enclosure for the otters.”

Paige gave a soft laugh. “There’s no shortage of interesting things going on around here.”

Cora chuckled. “That is a very nice—and accurate—way to put it. Never a dull day.”

Paige lifted her finger and wiggled it. “Thank you for this.”

“My pleasure. And please, feel free to come in here and help yourself to anything. I’d love to compare notes and share recipes. I’d love to have someone I can talk natural healing with.”

“I’ve never really had anyone who appreciated it the way I do. They love my salves and lotions, of course,” she said with a smile. “But no one really gets into it.”

Cora nodded. “I’m here. Let’s play.”

Paige felt that swell of warmth in her chest again. This was already turning out to be a really great day. In spite of some of her earlier realizations about her approach to work and relationships.

Then her day got even better.

“Paige? Are you in here?”

She knew that voice instantly. She stepped back into the kitchen, already

smiling. “Hey!” She met Tori Kramer-soon-to-be-Landry in the middle of the kitchen in a big hug. “How did you know I was in here?”

“I went down to the office to find you, and Sawyer said he saw you heading up here with Cora.”

Paige hadn’t met any of the Boys of the Bayou yet. They only had late afternoon tours today, so Sawyer had been out checking some fishing lines, Owen had been in New Orleans picking up some supplies, and Josh had been helping Tori with some things on their farm that morning.

“Yeah, Cora got me lunch.” Paige shot the older woman a grin.

Cora was already back to stirring and mixing, but she was smiling.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” Tori said. “This is so great!”

“Yeah, I just… got in the car,” Paige said. “Needed some warmer weather.”

Tori gave her an uh-huh look. “I’m thrilled to see you, of course.”

“Thanks.” Paige believed her. Tori was one of the sweetest, most genuine people Paige had ever met. But she knew that her friend must think this was odd. “I—”

“Got proposed to again,” Tori filled in. “At least, that’s the story I heard.”

Paige sighed and nodded. “Yeah. What the hell is that?”

Tori laughed. “I can’t talk. I knew I wanted to marry Josh in about a week. But you’re a catch.”

Paige shook her head, but she was smiling. Tori had never seemed like the love-at-first-sight type to Paige, but her and Josh’s love story was pretty charming.

But she wasn’t really anti-romance. She wasn’t completely against falling in love. She was against getting married because it was the next “obvious” step. And she was against marrying a guy who didn’t know her.

She wasn’t so sure about the “you’re a catch” part. That wasn’t self-deprecating. It was just that half of the men who’d proposed didn’t really know her. They were basing her “catch” status on things like finding her attractive and her being single. Those really shouldn’t be the only two checkboxes on the list of Things I’m Looking For In A Life Partner.

“I just needed a break,” Paige said. “And Mitch had offered me a place to hang out and…” She shrugged. “Here I am.”

“I’m so glad. We haven’t hung out in a long time, and being in Appleby last week reminded me of how much fun we have. Now we can do it here.”

Tori turned toward the swinging doors that Paige assumed led to the front of the restaurant. And a bunch of other people.

“Oh, I already ate.”

Tori glanced back. “Me too. Come on.”

Paige sighed. Tori was so nice. It was absolutely impossible to say no to her. Especially, when all she wanted was to spend time with you.

“I have to get back to work in a little bit.”

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