Found at Sea - By Anne Marie Duquette Page 0,48

up in Davy Jones’s locker.”

“Now who’s being superstitious?” she asked irritably. “If you mean dead, say so.”

“I’m calling off the salvage, Aurora. This is the third time someone’s tried to stop us, your boat last week and today with the loaner. And don’t forget what happened to me at the pier.”

“I haven’t forgotten anything.” Her voice sounded brittle, even to her own ears. Shaken, she rose from the touch. “I’m gonna eat. I’m hungry. Are you coming?”

Jordan rose, too. “Wait—sit down and listen.”

Aurora recognized the full strength of a captain’s order in Jordan’s tone. She also remembered how he’d refused to let her lose her head earlier. “I’m listening,” she said quietly.

Jordan nodded. He ran his hand through his hair, then exhaled on a slow breath. “Have you ever buried a loved one?”

Aurora shook her head. “I’ve been lucky.”

“You know I haven’t. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of my missing brothers. My father... I won’t have your family go through what I did. I won’t have them mourning you—and blaming me for it.”

“But they’re in jail, Dorian and—”

“Yes, but they’re alive, and despite your sister’s illness, I’m betting they have a better chance of remaining that way than you do.” He drew her hands into his. “Aurora, we can’t risk going on with this salvage. Your judgment is impaired—your actions today prove it.”

“But I need the money,” Aurora insisted. “I’m willing to take my chances.”

“Money isn’t going to bring you back from the dead. We’re partners—we’re in this together. I’m not willing to risk your life. Or mine.”

Aurora jerked her hands away from his. “Then we’re no longer partners.”

Jordan’s eyes narrowed. “What?”

“I need Dorian out of jail soon. She’s sick—maybe dying. Money may just save her life. I can’t afford to wait any longer, and if you won’t help me, I’ll offer my rights to the San Rafael to the highest bidder.”

“No, you won’t.”

“You heard me.” Aurora sprang up and paced the room nervously. “Don’t push me, Jordan. I have no other choice.”

“And who do you think will show up at your door?” Jordan demanded. “John Doe—or perhaps Tom, Dick and Harry from the pier?”

Aurora stopped her pacing. “Which, come to think of it...may not be such a bad idea. We could let Donna handle this. She’s used to undercover operations. With half my rights on sale—though it would be better with yours, too...”

“Aurora, I can’t afford to buy you out. Even if you could find someone tomorrow—which I doubt—I don’t want anyone else as a partner. We make a good team, you and I.”

Their eyes met. Suddenly the word team held more meaning than she’d considered—or wanted—with Jordan Castillo. Before she lost the impulse, Aurora leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. She considered that kiss inadequate and, despite the desperation of her present circumstances, found herself wishing for more.

“Yes, we do.” She sat down again, her anger gone. “What if we don’t really sell our rights, Jordan? What if we pretend to sell to smoke this guy out? We can’t go salvaging if the bad guys keep sinking our ships,” she added with a hint of acerbic humor.

“No,” he said with no humor at all. “It’s too dangerous.”

“You don’t have to be part of it. Just don’t stand in my way.”

“I won’t have anything to do with a scheme like this—nor will you.”

“Oh, yes, I will.”

“You want to get killed? Look, our saboteur isn’t stupid enough to fall for your amateurish ploy. Except for the actual galleon location, he’s been ahead of us every step of the way. This idea stinks. And if you don’t believe me,” he said before she could interrupt, “call your friend Donna. She’ll tell you the same thing.”

Aurora immediately picked up the phone and dialed. She hung up after just a few minutes of conversation with her friend, a conversation that included the bare outline of today’s incident.

“See? What did I tell you?”

Aurora’s eyes turned winter-ocean cold. “Then I’ll break them out of jail myself. And there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

* * *

HE REASONED. He yelled. He cajoled. He tried to change her mind while she fixed them the long-delayed sandwiches for lunch. He tried while she ate. By the time she’d finished eating—he’d ignored the food on his own plate—and washed the dishes, Jordan had given up.

She left a message for Roberto, asking him to meet her in Mexico tomorrow and if possible to call her tonight.

“What am I supposed to do while you’re Copyright 2016 - 2024