Found at Sea - By Anne Marie Duquette Page 0,11

on his fancy cruise ship,” Aurora added. Neil’s doctor had given up on trauma practice after burning out and fled to the usually tamer position of ship’s general-practice doctor.

“How is my old navy buddy anyway? Is the good captain still playing big brother?”

“My family and friends are forever trying to run my life. I wish you’d marry him and get him out of my hair. You two have been dating forever.”

Donna drummed her nails on her desk. “I can’t see myself barefoot, pregnant and making cookies for school bake sales.”

“Don’t forget giving up your job. Neil says it’s too dangerous. Says mine is too dangerous. Everything is too dangerous for women, according to him.”

“Old traditions die hard, especially when it comes to women. That’s why I got out of the navy. You know, Rory, maybe you should make a play for him.”

“Just what a good marriage needs—two captains. On different ships, no less. And I can’t see myself housebound and making cookies, either. No, thanks. I’m been on my own too long to be good wife material.”

“Shame. All that cruise-ship ambience wasted. He’s a nice guy, too.”

“No argument there. I’m grateful he helped save Jordan. Thank goodness for cell phones.” She’d borrowed one from emergency personnel and used it to call Neil.

“So Captain Harris stopped a whole cruise ship on your say-so?”

“No, he stopped it because I’m a personal friend of yours. The man’s insane about you.”

Donna sighed. “Why can’t I find a modern man insane about me? Instead of a traditional, overprotective—”

“I’ve got a better question,” Aurora interrupted. “Why can’t the police find Jordan’s attackers?”

Donna tapped her chopsticks on the edge of her white carton. “I’m working on it. I’ve got some people keeping an eye on Castillo, too...a few of my navy buddies and a cop who owes me a favor. They’re taking turns.”

“Appreciate it, Donna. You make sure you run a tab on this. I can’t pay you now, but you know I’m good for it.”

Donna waved her hand in the air. “Hey, I already told you—forget it. You gave me free diving and boating privileges. I’m happy to return the favor. And from a purely selfish point of view, a treasure ship is an exciting change of pace.”

“The Mexican jail isn’t.” For a moment Aurora’s spirits dropped. Despite her sister’s old resentment and her niece’s arrogance, Aurora loved them both. And Gerald had shown her more kindness than her blood relations ever had. “How did things get so screwed up?”

Donna took her hand for the briefest squeeze. “We’ll get them out, Rory. You’ll see.”

“I hope so.”

“We will.” Donna dug into her carton, the black and jade of the chopsticks gracefully moving. “Pass the sweet-and-sour, would you?”


San Diego

July 29, 8:00 a.m.

IN THE SAN DIEGO hotel room he’d occupied since his release from the hospital, Jordan stood before the mirror, carefully studying his body.

He wasn’t vain about his rugged good looks or the hard muscles most men would kill to have. Too many generations of hardworking Castillo fishermen, too many years as a risk-taking seafarer, ran in his blood for vanity, but Jordan did value his strength. The age-old cliché was no cliché to him: he truly believed the sea was a harsh mistress who discarded weak lovers with cruel disregard for life and limb. Jordan Castillo loved life as much as he loved the ocean-faring lifestyle. He planned to hold on to both, which was why he stood in the hotel bathroom carefully appraising himself.

Most, if not all, of his vigor had returned, although he was still a little underweight. He could see the slight loss of mass in the broad shoulders and rock-hard pectorals that had spent a lifetime hauling nets, fish, anchors and treasure from the ocean.

He frowned. Furrows appeared above the dark brown eyes and beneath the mahogany hair. He made a mental note to keep on top of his weight, intending to regain the missing bulk soon—that last ounce of strength could mean the difference between life and death.

The San Diego sun had quickly replaced the white pallor of an invalid with his usual tan. His skin glowed with health. The arm that had been broken wasn’t his dominant one. Thankfully, both it and his skull had healed well. The doctor promised there’d be no permanent aftereffects, though his arm remained a little stiff, and his memory of the attack and afterward was still hazy. Once he left his hotel and got back to work, he’d be himself again. Unfortunately, his ship, Copyright 2016 - 2024