Found (Lost & Found #2) - Scarlett Finn Page 0,94

me as a sister… yet. But it was an honor to support her through that time. I can’t say I did anything difficult though; I knew you would support them.”

“How did you know that?” he asked, settling back into a more relaxed position, his fingers curling around the base of his beer bottle. “Maybe we’d have cast her out.”

Even the suggestion was enough to make her laugh. “No, you wouldn’t. I see the way you love them. How seriously you take your role… Besides, I wouldn’t love a man who put conditions on love like that…” Poppy leaned over the table, lowering her voice to almost a whisper. “And I have loved you a long time.”

“You can love me a long time tonight,” he said, winking. “What were you saying about the piano?”

They were getting there. Progress was progress and Poppy appreciated every second of it. Turner was used to being on his own, handling problems on his own. But he wasn’t on his own anymore and she’d do whatever it took to prove he could rely on her. She was his missing piece; completing him was her destiny.


“You’re leaving?” Val asked, coming out of her bedroom just as Poppy was walking along the hallway to see her.

Smiling, Poppy kept on going until she joined the woman in the doorway. “Can we talk inside?”

Without replying, Val retreated to her bedroom with Poppy next to her. “Charley said you’re leaving…. Without Turner.”

“Mm hmm,” Poppy said, guiding Val over to the window. She sat down and took Val with her, gathering their hands together. “He’s staying on the estate this week.”

“Why?” Val asked. “Did you fight? You said you wanted to go back to the Venture. If you want to be in his building, you can’t have broken up with him.”

Shaking her head, Poppy was struggling to contain her smile. “We haven’t broken up. My parents weren’t harassed at dinner. Tiller has promised if we have any trouble, he’ll send security to protect us.”

“Are you returning to the Venture? If Charley wants to go back to work, I suppose she’ll want to stay there. But she might be at more risk in the city.” Val exhaled. “We should all go back together.” It clearly pained the woman to say that. “But abandoning Turner is… I know he can look after himself—”

“You should stay with him. If you want to.” Still smiling, Poppy was getting more excited as her plan took shape. “It would actually help me if you did. You or one of your daughters anyway.”

“What are you talking about?” Val said, struggling to understand. “Why would you want us to stay while you leave?”

“Because I’m leaving Turner here for a reason…” Her heart was pounding, in a show of both nerves and eager anticipation. “I’m going to plan our wedding… without him.” Hesitant, Val didn’t say a word. Her reaction didn’t do much for Poppy’s anxiety. “He takes care of so many things. Looks after all of us. I want us to be married and don’t want a big fancy affair. He doesn’t either. Doing it here will automatically turn it into something neither of us want. My parents will want to invite people; the media will get involved. We don’t want that.”

“You’ve spoken to him about it?”

Poppy took a turn at being hesitant. “No… I’m just hoping that I know him well enough to get this right… and I’m hoping his family will help me.”

“Take something off his plate?” Val asked, showing a smile. “Of course we’ll support you.” Opening her arms wide, she took Poppy into her embrace. “Do you have a date in mind?”

“Next week,” Poppy said. “Soon after he’s home.”

Taking her arms, Val separated them to meet her eye. “Next week? You’re going to marry my son in a week?”

“Well, it will have to be a week on Tuesday. We’ll need to get the license on Monday and there’s a day waiting period before we can get married.” Val blinked. Poppy couldn’t tell if she was stunned or unhappy. “Bad idea?”

“Sweetheart,” Val breathed out the word before tucking Poppy’s hair behind her ear. “He loves you. Utterly and completely. Once he knows something has to be done, he likes it checked off the to-do list.” Her expression changed. “Not that marrying you is a chore.”

“I understand,” Poppy said on a laugh, hugging her future mother-in-law again.

No sooner had they embraced than the bedroom door opened, attracting their attentions.

It was Charley, just peeking into the room. “Did you Copyright 2016 - 2024