The Fortune Hunter Page 0,49

already much recovered," she insisted and turned to join the line leaving the hall.

But the damage had been done. Harry Crisp had seen her. He went pale and almost looked as if he would speak, though there would be no point at such a distance unless he were to bellow. Then he turned his attention back to his companions.

It was not a cut. At such a distance there was no question of such a thing. But it felt like one to Amy. It felt like a sword in the heart. Seeing him again, she realized her feelings went far deeper than she had ever thought possible after such brief acquaintance.

If only, if only, her father had not been so foolishly improvident, how happy she could have been.

In the carriage, Randal opened the subject with ruthless good humor. "That, I suppose, was Amethyst de Lacy."

Harry was staring out of the window. His head jerked around. "Why do you suppose such a thing?"

"I was told she was a diamond of the first water, and they don't come any more beautiful than that. Or at least, she's the only raving beauty I can imagine staring at you in such a way."



"Damn impudence!" snapped Harry, then colored. "Sorry, Sophie."

"Not at all," she said amiably. "Was I the only one attending to the lecture?"

"I was attending," said Harry, and proved it by grimly discussing steam engines all the way to Mayfair.

When Randal dropped him off in Chapel Street, however, Harry asked as if impelled, "Who was that old man she was with? A relative, I suppose."

"Quite possibly," said Randal. "I think it was Sir Cedric Forbes, the banker." His mouth turned up in a wicked smile. "Doubtless a very high bidder."

Harry slammed the door of the coach.

As the coach rolled off, Sophie said, "Was that not a little unkind?"

" 'Tis cruel to be kind," Randal mused, absentmindedly drawing his wife into his arms. "I think your instinct is once more correct. It is time to meddle."

"But if she was with a rich, old banker she really is a fortune hunter. Harry is well rid of her."

"But does he know that? And she may have declared herself a fortune hunter, but the girl I saw back there was looking at Harry as if he were a lost treasure." He looked down at Sophie and smiled. "As if he were something very precious which she could not have. I know that feeling."

Sophie colored. "You only ever had to ask."

"It didn't seem that way at the time."

"You think this, too, may be a misunderstanding?"

"I don't know, but like all happily married people, I want to propel my friends into the same state. I do not see either Harry or the exquisite Miss de Lacy heading that way, and I think it behooves us to try to steer them aright."

Chart was summoned to Upper Brook Street. To Randal and Sophie's surprise he brought his sister Clyta with him.

"She has an important contribution to make," he announced.

Clyta looked flustered but said, "Amy de Lacy was a school friend. She was always kind to me. I'd like to help her if I can."

"Well," said Randal, "we're not at all sure the objects of our concern will appreciate our meddling, but you could certainly play a strong part in our plans."

"What are our plans?" asked Chart.

It was Sophie who outlined them. "Amy de Lacy and Harry only really met a few times. There was the storm, the tea party, and a few moments in the garden." She wrinkled her brow. "It almost defies belief that they could have got in such a muddle over tea."

"Really?" queried Randal with a heavy-lidded smile. "I remember a tea party at Maria Harroving's and some cakes..."

"Yes well," said Sophie, turning rosy. "But that was hardly the first time we'd met."

"Nor was tea the first time Harry met his fatal charmer."

"No, that was the storm," said Chart, "and we don't know what happened there."

"What we do know," said Sophie, taking control again, "is that neither of them was unaffected. Two meetings later he asked her to marry him and she hit him. Neither action indicates indifference. Clyta, does it surprise you to hear that Amy hit him?"

"Yes," said Clyta, eyes very wide. "Amy is gentle and sweet. She doesn't give in to unkind impulses."

Sophie nodded and continued. "Harry acts like a scalded cat if ever the woman's name is mentioned, and if Randal is correct, she was looking at Harry with her heart in her eyes." She Copyright 2016 - 2024