Fortune Academy: Year Three - J.R. Thorn Page 0,14

crawled up and rested against him. “Then we’re both screwed.”

I ran my fingers up his neck and traced the lines of his tattoo up his cheek. Warmth emanated from it and I recognized the dark magic now that it had come to life. “So there was a prophecy about me, huh?”

He nodded. “Ancient witch spirits said your name over and over again—your demon one, that is. Some can see fragments of the future and they all repeated the same vision.” He brushed a strand of hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear. “They said that your chosen would rise and claim the ultimate power. I wanted to be one of those chosen, Lily. I infiltrated Fortune Academy and tricked Dante. He brought you to the Academy because of me.” He swiped a hand over his face. “All of this is my fault.”

I grabbed his wrist. “No, Kaito. You can’t look at it that way. You’ve changed, haven’t you? Do you still want ultimate power?”

He looked me in the eyes and I saw nothing but love, adoration, and raw pain. Whatever monster he thought he was, what he had once been, it was long gone. “All I want is you.”

I smiled. “Then that’s all that matters, because guess what, Kaito…” I leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips before whispering my next words between us, “You have me.”

He kissed me back, but then turned away and sighed. “It’s all too good to be true. I mean, look at me. What if my real nature is trying to come out? What if this change in me is just temporary?”

I trailed my fingers across his cheekbones. “You mean your eyes?” They’d once been silver, but now the red glow reminiscent of the power of Hell and suffering looked back at me. “Does it hurt? I mean, did coming here do anything permanent to you?”

He threaded his fingers through mine, matching my gaze as if he’d just noticed that I wanted to comfort him and touch him and give him everything I had to give. “Just the restoration of some of my memories, I think,” he said as he kissed my knuckles. “And I feel warmer than usual, but it’s not unpleasant.”

I chuckled as I ran my fingers through his hair. The blue flames tickled over my skin, but didn’t burn me. “It’s a cool look. I hope it stays.”

His features softened. “You really aren’t phased by this, are you?”

“No,” I decided. “We’re in Hell, Kaito. Not much can top that, not even you turning out to be a long lost Japanese demon.”

He smiled, and this time it was a real smile that reached his eyes. “Come here,” he whispered and I gladly obeyed, leaning in to taste him and indulge a kiss that made my whole body tingle with energy.

The air warmed all around us as his hands roamed my body, exploring me as if it was the first time. He kissed my face, my neck, and then pulled me over him so that he could bite the cleavage of one of my breasts.

I watched him as he explored me, fascinated by the growing lust in his gaze. My succubus side remained dormant as if sated with all she had indulged, but another part of me responded, one I didn’t expect to come out and play.

My Demonspawn side.

My fingertips turned black and dark lines threaded over my body, betraying the demonic blood that ran through my veins. Embarrassed, I tried to turn away, but Kaito gripped my chin and forced me to look at him. My world hazed over in red and a whimper escaped my throat.

I knew what was happening. I felt it on some deep, spiritual level. Being in Hell only brought out the worst in me, just like it was doing to Kaito. I feared I’d lose myself to it if we stayed here for too long.

“Why are you ashamed of this part of you?” Kaito asked, taking one hand to my lower back to pull me closer to him. With my legs spread and only the thin barrier of my underwear between us, I gasped when the erection under his pants offered me delicious pressure.

“I don’t want to be a monster,” I admitted.

He growled, showing teeth that transformed to sharp points and his eyes blazed with blue flames. It should have terrified me.

Instead, it gave me a powerful thrill that made me want to see what would happen next.

“We can be monsters together,” Copyright 2016 - 2024